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AER Summer Academy 2016: Youth and Entrepreneurship in Europe's Regions
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Assembly of European Regions Summer Academy is an established meeting place for regional youth representatives, experts and decision-makers in Europe. Østfold County Council is to host this event in August 2016, and has chosen as topic for its event Youth and Entrepreneurship in Europe's Regions. The main idea of the project “AER Summer Academy 2016: Youth and entrepreneurship in Europe's regions” is to develop and strengthen the dialogue between youth and decision-makers through the Summer Academy activities. Through a week of interactive workshops, key note speeches, inspirational study trips, networking excursions and informal learning activities such as an Innovation Camp where young people and decision-makers have to work together to solve a real-life problem for an actual company, the project will enhance dialogue between youth and decision-makers, increase knowledge and influence policy in the field of youth entrepreneurship.The objectives are:- To provide an arena for informal learning and increased competence for young people in Europe, in order to equip them with tools, knowledge and skills important for their employability in a challenged European job market- To foster the exchange of best practices between youth organisations, non-profit organisations and regional authorities in the area of regional support systems for young entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial education and social entrepreneurship- To encourage dialogue between young people and decision makers in all policy fields, specifically in the area of youth policy- To contribute towards revitalizing democracy in Europe and increase youth participation on a local, regional, national and European level- To contribute towards meeting targets of the EU Youth Strategy in the fields of youth entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurshipThe event foresees the participation of between 120-150 people from over 30 different countries of wider Europe. Therefore, the planned activities in the project will benefit directly more than the participants directly covered by this project application. The project also has a specific plan for dissemination of the project results to other stakeholders through speaking at relevant topic-related events, and spreading the project results through brochures and videos.
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