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AEMA Villes avec Marinas et Ports Plaisance: Politiques Públiques et Privées pour une Promotion Tourístique Integrée (AEMA)
Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a Europe in which territorial competitiveness is a key element in local development, policies in this area must be more effective, especially in decision-making, and more innovative in finding solutions for managing tourism products, the environment and new types of leisure activities. The partners in this project are aware of this problem and have decided to search for new methodologies to improve organisation of their tourism facilities. A joint study is being carried out into possible solutions regarding strategic planning of land development. * To guarantee a process of sustainable land development by introducing policies and marketing tools based on quality principles. * To strengthen cooperation and the sharing of experiences between towns with marinas. * To carry out local cooperation initiatives to strengthen coherence between urban policies for sustainable development and public and private initiatives for promoting nautical tourism facilities. Expected results / Résultats attendus • Benchmarking on public and private territorial marketing policies in the territories involved. • Methodology manuals on the introduction of a system for recommending tourism services, and the integration of public and private policies for marketing towns with marinas. • Web sites describing the main tourism products and services, recommendations and forums for debate. • Improved competitiveness in services and economic activity through increased level of activities and opportunities for creating jobs. • Improved functioning of tourism services and better quality of tools for communication with users of pleasure boats. • Contribution to better integrated public land management, especially for coastal areas. • Greater public-private cooperation in the management of territorial marketing.

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  • 75%   426 177,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC South
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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3 Partners Participants