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Advanced Myoelectric Control of Prosthetic Systems (AMYO)
Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In spite of decades of research and many capabilities and potentials as well as incremental improvements, advanced human-maschine interfaces based on the electromyogram (EMG) still have a significant distance from professional and commercial applications. This is also and particularly true for myoelectric prosthetic devices. Available commercial myoelectric control systems for prostheses can only control one single degree-of-freedom at a time. However, there is a great need for improved myoelectric control systems. The proposed project will combine European academic excellence in EMG signal processing and pattern recognition, industrial expertise in EMG acquisition, and the clinical and industrial expertise of the market leader in prosthetics. The objective of the proposal is to advance myoelectric control systems that allow simultaneous and intuitive control of several degrees of freedom.

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