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Advanced Manufacturing of Multi-Material Multi-Functional Products Towards 2020 and Beyond (4M2020)
Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"4M2020 is focused on building upon the durable integration mechanisms/structures and innovation chains created within three levels of project clusters in the field of multifunctional miniaturised products and their applications in energy, medical, optoelectronics and microoptics, printed electronics and ultra precision engineering industrial sectors that led to the creation of long term R&D+I partnerships.4M2020 will facilitate cross fertilisation of product centred advanced manufacturing platforms along five R&D+I streams and thus create alliances based on interrelated technological research and product demonstration activities and add value to its stakeholders by establishing R&D+I environment for combining KETs heterogeneously in the context of specific technology and product requirements.The four main objectives of 4M2020 are the:• Cross fertilisation of product centred advanced manufacturing platforms• Formation and development of new networks and alliances• Advancement of innovation chains• Assessment of the maturity of application/product focused advanced manufacturing"
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8 Partners Participants