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Advanced Immuno-neuro-endocrine Diagnostics in Psychiatry (PSYCH-AID)
Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The current diagnosis of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and mood disorders, is highly subjective, due to the lack of empirical markers or objective tests specific for these diseases. PSYCH-AID searchers to fill the gap thrpugh the in-parallel study of schizophrenia and mood disorder patients combining, validating and registering 4 sets of biomarker tests already in advanced stage of development in two other EU-FP7 projects of partners (MOODINFLAME and SchizDX). Biomarkers are based on activated immune response system in conjunction with an abnormal neuro-endocrine set point. PSYCH-AID aims at the developm,ent of clinically applicable blood assays identifying pateints/individuals with such activated set points by combining the efforts of academia and industry.PSYCH-AID unites 9 European partners excelling in this field: 5 academia and 5 SMEs. The intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of researchers will foster the translation of fundamental clinical research into practical solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of people affected by schizophrenia or mood disorders. This fit perfectly with the IAPP scheme. PSYCH-AID contributes to building a long lasting collaboration between the partners, the first consortium in the world to put objective diagnostic and prognostic tests for psychiatric disorders into practice. European industry will benefit from this competitive lead. Since the disorders have a serious impact on the quality of life of the individuals affected, an improved diagnosis and prognosis will substantially contribute to improving their quality of life. Furthermore, PSYCH-AID gives the researchers involved a platform to acquire complementary skills, thus ameliorating their professional career opportunities."
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10 Partners Participants