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Adults Literacies as Benefit for Inclusion and Equity
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Adult Literacies as Benefit to Inclusion and Equity – ALBIE builds on crucial role of social returns of educational investments as increased adults’ ability to adapt to labour market and societal changes. The project background builds upon previous researches demonstrating relationship between the level of functional literacy and the quality of life. Positive non-economic effects of education stand as consequences of educational contents improving the functional literacy. In this context, adult education can contribute to social inclusion and equity.However, indicated low literacy level together with social inequalities make adults more vulnerable to equally participate in labour market and in lifelong learning. Illiteracy is an obstacle to a better quality of life and breeds exclusion. Furthermore, great differences in the rate of compensation of disadvantage exist within the educational system in all countries. The procedure proposed within the ALBIE project is to analyze the results of international measurements on adults´ functional literacy and its positive non-economic impacts and to propose effective educational practice to support that. The target groups are young adults (aged 18-35) identified at national level as most vulnerable to illiteracy and so exclusion, further academic audience, service providers and policy makers in respective adult education field.Accordingly, the project objectives are:1. To deepen scientific and theoretical knowledge on the relation of functional literacy of adults and non-economic impact on the quality of their lives. 2. To develop set of educational programmes, methodologies and tools to support the functional literacy development of young adults in non formal adult education (andragogic intervention). 3. To process set of recommendations for policy makers and providers of educational programmes for young adults applicable in the improvement of functional literacy and competencies for lifelong learning.The project consortium is made from 4 European countries -Slovakia, Poland, Iceland and Estonia- with lowest and higher rates in ability to deal with social inequalities through education. 5 entities will be participating: 3 universities - UMB (SVK), Reykjavik Un. (ISL) and Pedagogical Un. (POL) as strong partners to lead theoretical, analytical and research part of the project. 2 non-formal adult education NGOs - YouthWatch (SVK) and ENAEA (EST) are partners who will help to transfer theoretical findings into practice and help to address young adults´ needs within the tested educational models. Thus, mutual learning and cross-sectoral cooperation and networking is expected as project benefit. The methodology proposed within the ALBIE project is to achieve project objectives by provision of:1. intellectual outcomes2. multiplier events3. transnational meetings3. short trainings.7 intellectual outcomes have been identified, 2 multiplier events, 2 transnational events and 2 short trainings.The project activities aim to develop intellectual outputs within the European context, to invent new educational services on in-country level and to secure sustainable solutions towards inclusion and equity and thus social cohesion and prosperity.Accordingly, the ALBIE projects activities are: 1. Analysis: functional literacy of adults and its impact on non-economic educational benefits2. Field research to identify the independent variables of the functional literacy and its impact on the quality of life in SVK, EST, POL3. Comparative analysis discussing theory and field research outcomes4. Development of educational programme on functional literacies for young adults 5. Testing the Educational programme in respective environments in SVK, EST, POL6. Open educational resource development7. Monograph to proceed the recommendation for policy and practice8. Multiplier events to disseminate research and programmes´ testing results9. Short field research administrators training and educational programmes´ lecturers training 10. Transnational meetings to discuss the research design and its use and application in wider EU context.The main project results are strengthened research and innovation capacity; innovative approaches to non-formal education of adults; and knowledge transfer from theory to practice and to policy across European regions. Impact is expected in built intellectual and research capacity to secure needs-based participation of adults in lifelong learning; in increased quality of life of young adults; and new competencies of lecturers to overcome illiteracy; and in innovated practice and changes in policies on adult education. In long-term, it is expected that increased functional literacy delivered by project activities will impact on increased young adults´ participation in lifelong learning and further in labour market which will promote more equitable and inclusive society, reflected in EU policy and adult education practice.

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