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"Adroid mobile apps"
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In a global market where the mobile phone is becoming the key communication and information tool, penetration of apps promises completely personalized and interactive user experience. Smartphones are vying the supremacy of television, because the mobile apps create a new, interactive media environment, entertainment and sales, where corporate brands they see a lucrative field to develop their economic activities.Prompted by new trends in the labor market and emerging professions of mobile apps developers, the students' curriculum IT specialist thought to submit a proposal mobility.The proposal is to move 15 students IT sector and the e-fourth EP Athens and two attendants and teachers in Riga, Latvia.Participants are taught within the curriculum and are familiar with Information Technologies and Communications, Office Automation, Operating Systems and additional programming languages, like Python, Java, Scratch, GreenFoot, etc. In addition they have certification in English are known for their non-delinquent behavior and mood to cooperate.The activity will include a) a six-day seminar on theoretical and practical issues such as: programming in Java, introduction to the Eclipse software, platforms and IT Adroid b) professional visits to companies or organizations that develop dynamic websites c) cultural activities The proposal aims to:• Provision of more qualitative Initial Vocational Education and Training.• Provision of specialized knowledge and skills to students in the field of mobile programming and tablets, to create apps.• Strengthening and improvement of their professional development.• Introduction of basic knowledge of the programming language Java, the software development environment on the Eclipse tool.• Learning the control interface on mobile phones.• Meet with and create their first applications for mobile and tablets.• Familiarity with the sensors (sensors) of mobile phones and components (components) associated with each application.• Practical application of knowledge acquired from the training seminar in a European workplace.• Facility to exit the labor market.• Meet with the educational system of Latvia and the rules-governing structures.• Investigation of students' horizons in terms of new trends in cutting-edge professions, new trends in planning and progression opportunities in modern professions at national and international stage.• Professional visits to institutions and companies of international scope of Latvia who develop applications for Adroid software and IOS platforms.• Connection IVET to the labor market of a foreign country through professional visits and contact with entrepreneurs and executives of space.• Improve their language skills and learning and encouraging others.• Acquisition of europass certificate, attestation mobility and to attend this course.• Learning about the culture, traditions, culture, history, language, Portugal.• Establishing relationships and contacts on the international stage and possible subsequent commercial collaborations.• Acquisition of good practices and their transport to their school and the wider scope of their city.• Multi-faceted development of personality of students and improve their social and mental skills.a expected results of Activity 1, are summarized as follows:• the expansion level of the cognitive horizon of students through training, upgrading, improving knowledge in technologies and programming languages ​​developing apps for smartphone and tablet, in acquiring the Europass certificate and certification of acquired knowledge.• the level of social knowledge and skills to improve the adaptability, omadosynergatikotitas, flexibility, participation in educational and cultural activities.The mobility activities will take place in Riga, Latvia in April 2017 and will run for two weeks.
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