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Adquisición de herramientas didácticas para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background information The EOI of Oviedo is a public funded institution dependent to the local Educational Office: “Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Principado de Asturias”, dedicated to the teaching of modern languages to adults or young adults over 16+. The main goal of the school is to develop, on the one hand the student’s ability to use a language effectively as a vehicle for general communication, and on the other, to teach the respect for and the acknowledgement of the linguistic and cultural diversity as a tool for the dialogue between different peoples. Our school offers regular language courses in English, French, German and Italian from A1 to C1 blended courses (`That’s English´) and training courses for CLIL teachers. The school is the official certificating institution in Spain. More than 90% of our students are adults who want to enrich their career prospects by learning new languages and thus improve their chances of finding a job. Most of our Basic German Level students are under 18; many of our Basic English Level students are unemployed or immigrants. The rest of the levels are filled with university students or professionals of different fields. Participants in the project 1. All the participants on this Project are highly motivated teaching staff members and very committed to our School. 2. All the participants are official teaching certifiers of foreign languages of the levels MCR and are have experience in the elaboration of tests designed for that purpose. 3. All the participants are involved in Life Learning Programs which cover the following areas: NNTT, Teaching strategies, elaboration of teaching lessons with authentic material, Methodology, elaboration and adaptation of the syllabus. etc. 4. The teaching team is also experienced in ELE (Teaching Spanish as a foreign Language) as they have participated in exchange programs in Europe and the U.S.A. 5. The participants are experienced in either participating or coordinating European Programs or Projects (job shadowing, Grundtvig, Comenius) 6. Some members have experience as Head or Head-deputies and are experienced in school management. 7. Some participants are experienced in other professional fields such as marketing or translation. 8. All the participants manage fluently in the language they teach C2, and besides they speak other languages Programme of Activities Previous the mobility: Preparation: Training in Eramus +, planning and setting the project, updating our website, individual training on tools which will be helpful for the mobility K1, such as updating courses on NNTT and methodology. Organization of the impact and dissemination activities (blog project, surveys, department meetings which involve all the teaching staff members, preparing the self evaluation process) Physical organization of the mobility, and classroom mobility related activities with peer members and students. K1 Mobilities needed to accomplish our project: Activities proposed 1. Staff training abroad in structured courses and training events in Germany (culture and methodology) UK (culture and methodology, speaking skills and creativity in the classroom) and Ireland (Irish Culture and history) 2. Job shadowing in a German High School with the goal of improving our teaching strategies among our adolescent students. 3. Job shadowing in a German institution for adults with the goal of improving management strategies of the Director and Head Teacher 4. Teaching mobility in an UK college with the aim of collaborating with the Spanish Language Department and participating in the Spanish lessons they provide. 5. Job Shadowing in Irish Educational Institutions Dissemination and impact activities They will be designed with the aim of covering the following areas: our classrooms, our staff, our institution and other educational institutions locally and nationally based, besides we will use the e-twinning platform with our peer members or associates. Goals: The tools, the skills and didactic materials acquired, designed during the mobility (courses, job shadowing or study visit) will contribute in the long run to: - The improvement and updating of our daily teaching. - The autonomous life learning approach of our students. - The integration of our immigrant by addressing their needs more appropriately. - Improving the cooperation of different institutions, both national and international. - Enhance employability and career prospects among our unemployed students and university students. - Promote mobility among students and staff into different European institutions creating positive synergies between institutions and educational levels. - Achieve a greater understanding of cultural diversity. - Increase motivation and satisfaction in our daily work. - Improve our awareness of the European project and the EU values by working in projects with other international institutions. - Support learners in the acquisition of socio-linguistic comp
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