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Administrative Document Automate Optimization (ADAO)
Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"ITESOFT and CVC plan to develop together a transfer of knowledge program. The vector of this program will be the design of an automatic document processing system. Public organizations, social security services and large companies handle every day a large volume of various documents : identity cards, forms, mails, etc. They look for help in process optimization, cost reduction and customer satisfaction. The automation is an answer. The French SME ITESOFT has developed products to automate the classification and the data extraction from administrative documents. More recently ITESOFT has prototyped a new generation of software which still need improvement on key-technologies : Graphs matching algorithm, Logo classification, Handwritten recognition, Document graphical classification, Document segmentation for overlapping documents, Color image segmentation. The Document Analysis and Pattern Recognition Group of the public lab Computer Vision Center (CVC) in Barcelona has large R&D experience in the field of Document Image Analysis and Recognition. The group is doing active research in symbol recognition, indexing and browsing by graphical content, sketchy interfaces, diagrammatic reasoning and visual languages for graphic documents, graphics recognition architectures, reading systems for forms and structured documents, camera-based OCR. We identify several knowledge and skills that can be exchanged between ITESOFT and CVC and combined to breakthrough the current state of the art. This program will mainly involve staff exchanges. We also plan recruitments and workshops with researchers from outside the consortium. The staff exchanges will lead small collaborative teams to work together on the key-technologies."

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