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Adalet Meslek Eğitiminde İnsan Hakları ve Demokrasi Temelli Yaklaşımlar
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school Kırsehir Aşıkpaşa Vocational and Technical High School Turkish as the project manager aims to intergrate National Education’s general objectives and basic principles in human rights and democracy-based general culture as a minimum approach to secondary level education , to introduce them to people and society, search for solutions to problems in local economics, gain awareness of the presence and the power to contribute the social and cultural development, knowledge and ability in line with the professional training of qualified manpower in the field of justice in high schools. Our school’s justice department students and teachers aims to settle awareness in the field of justice and democracy training and human rights, also to the administrative staff of the school . Beside these democracy and learning of the human rights-based training in the implementation of the EU , investigation, justice, growing conditions of the EU and education planning of staff who are responsible on the administration , observing and implementing of professional standards in place which is expected . Our school has 180 students in the justice department. Our organization is large enough to manage the Project by itself. To follow closly both the developments in the current situation in employability and the applications of human rights and democracy in Europe . Our justice department students of justice education and training teachers and the administrators responsible for the educational planning will be carried out a flow to Belgium and Hungary. So the participants will get information on democracy and human rights awareness applied in the EU statesand and also they will investigate democracy and learning the human rights-based training for the implementation of the EU and professional standards of staff . Our project placement activities will take part in two separate streams. 30 days with 15 students and 14 days with 10 teachers. The groups will be held in two separate institutions in form of two separate streams.
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