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AD RURAL - Training to foster entrepreneurship in the rural areas

The project has the purpose to design, elaborate, experiment and disseminate a specific pedagogical model based on a training development scheme which will be applied in rural areas by the local training organisations, technical institutions or local training associations. The model first addresses the specific acquisition of new competences by the trainers in the use of new operational methods and multimedia tools adapted for rural environment, so that may become trainers-facilitators. Second, the target group from rural areas (young people and women) is educated and stimulated towards the development of entrepreneurial skills and the discovery of new professional opportunities in their own rural areas. It is expected this continuous process of training and development of entrepreneurial and innovation culture will contribute to the rural socio-economic development. The envisaged results are: a study guide on entrepreneurial skills in rural environment, a guide for training of the trainers-animators, a training guide for the trainees, multimedia interactive training guides, a web portal and final curriculum.
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7 Partners Participants