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ACUME Advancing cross CUltural MEdiation ACUME

Advancing cross CUltural MEdiation (ACUME) is aimed at adapting, integrating and transferring a Spanish training course for Intercultural Mediators, focusing in particular on specific competencies areas of this professional: Communication and relation¸ Languages and Teamwork. The course will also be complemented with blended learning (e-learning modules and face-to-face lessons) for the enhancement of competencies in the writing of Italian as a second language (L2). The model will be structured in a modular form to allow a use of the training on an individual basis. To this end, the educational and teaching materials will be accompanied by a system for the assessment of entry and exit skills, which will be developed having as reference the French method of Validation des Acquis de l'Espérience (VAE). ACUME, ultimately, will help to define the professional profile of the Intercultural Mediator.

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