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Active youth creates employment
Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Through the past decade Europe has changed the traditional approach to many spheres of life due to cultural, technological, social and economic shifts in the society. One of the spheres that has transformed in a significant way is the attitude towards jobs and careers. Young people face the perspective of changing a significant number of long-term and short-term jobs and quite likely even several professions during their careers to cope with dynamic social and economic conditions. Growing Europe and the EU programs, such as YiA give a great possibility to young people to find themselves, give possibility to search their talents and empowers them to believe that they can achieve their plans, they can be entrepreneurs, they can shape the future of Europe, they do can get and create a great job market thanks to experiencing the YiA projects, learning by doing, exploring intercultural and European dimensions. The practice shows and is teaching us that those young people who several years ago started working with YiA projects, nowadays are businessmen or politicians working in national or international level. ¨Youth Creates Employment in Action¨ is a training course for youth leaders and workers who wants to develop and share their creativity as an essential competence to open the job market or starting their business plans. The project will be based in Georgia during 7 days and the main topic is to understand the new paradigm of the youth employment in Europe and how a creative approach together with the right attitude can open many doors and the market for young people. The training course uses methods of experiential learning as role-plays, simulations and other non-formal education methods working and sharing all together in small and large groups. Together, we will be working out and improving ' new methods' in order to succeed in the very dynamic job market.
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  •   16 665,69
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants