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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Over the next decade employment opportunities for young people will improve, but will concentrate on the most qualified -for their formal level of education and key competences- young people, while those with lowest educational levels and skills will remain outside the labor market, accentuating labor inequalities observed during the crisis. Without efforts to improve the employability of low-skilled young people, their risk of exclusion from the labor market is high. In addition to the years of education, the competences and skills acquired by these young people are also very important. The ‘Education and Training 2010’ work programme emphasizes that education and training have a crucial role to play in meeting the many socio-economic, demographic, environmental and technological challenges facing Europe and its citizens today and in the years ahead. Education and training policy should enable all citizens, irrespective of their personal, social or economic circumstances, to acquire, update and develop over a lifetime both job-specific skills and the key competences needed for their employability and to foster further learning, active citizenship and intercultural dialogue. Education should promote intercultural competences, democratic values and respect for fundamental rights and the environment, as well as combat all forms of discrimination, equipping all young people to interact positively with their peers from diverse backgrounds. Key competences for lifelong learning are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. They are particularly necessary for personal fulfillment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment. The acquisition of key competences fits in with the principles of equality and access for all. This applies in particular to disadvantaged groups whose educational potential requires support. Examples of such groups include people with low basic skills, early school leavers, long-term unemployed, people with disabilities, migrants, ethnic minorities, etc. The European reference framework for European Union countries and the Commission defines eight key competences. This project will focus in social and civic competences and in the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. Young people with fewer opportunities face specific difficulties associated with their disadvantaged backgrounds. Their participation in democratic, economic and cultural life of society, on equal opportunities, requires special attention at national and EU level. They have to be able to face with a variety of situations, they need the ability to communicate constructively in different environments, to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, negotiate creating confidence, feel empathy, take risks, plan objectives and new projects... In short, they need to develop their social and civic competences and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship in order to be active citizens and to improve their opportunities in the labor market. This Project wants to supports young people with fewer opportunities by helping them to realize their full potential and strengthening their participation in society. Our main aim is to develop active learning methodologies, pedagogical approaches and training materials especially designed to improve social and civic competencies and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of young adults with fewer opportunities. Objectives: • Design a teaching-learning methodology tailored to young adults with fewer opportunities to develop their social and civic competences and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, focus on the competences linked to the world of work, especially for "decent work" (ILO concept) and social entrepreneurship. • Implement pilot experiences in partner’s countries to test the intellectual output developed. • Promote equal opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities. • Improve the employability of young adults with fewer opportunities. • Promote European values according to article 2 of the European Union Treaty and a more positive attitude towards the European project. • Disseminate all over Europe the intellectual outputs elaborated in the project. Intellectual output created in the project: Toolkit to support a training program to develop social and civic competencies and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of young adults with fewer opportunities. The toolkit includes: • Trainers course – Book and Support Pack • Key competences training book for students This pack will be created to support trainer’s activities in delivering a training program designed to develop social and civic competencies and the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship of young adults with fewer opportunities. However, this pack contains helpful advice that we hope may be useful on other training courses.

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