Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

I. Topic: Intercultural dialogue through cinema and film making. The whole project is based on European culture heritage. It encourages young Europeans to discover what they can share and learn from the others through concrete tasks in connection with cinema. II. Main focus: the final product is the creation of a gallery of short films made by students, based on common topics and selected during inner film festivals as well as two yearly digital magazines. Common topics are chosen along the following areas: Year One : Europe and Adolescence (Europe seen through their eyes) Year Two : Europe and the 21st century issues (environment, globalisation, ICTs, discrimination, etc.) III. Joint activities 1. Partners take part in local film festivals and workshops to discover cinematic heritages and acquire cinematic techniques. 2. They are asked to regularly create ecards to be sent to their partners in which they choose to present one important topic in connection with cinema. 3. They are in charge of organizing watching and debating sessions when they welcome partner teams at home. During these sessions, students have to select the best short films according to different criteria (chosen by students). Debates are led in English. 4. The panels of judges reward the selected short films during awards ceremonies, which they also organize. 5. At the end of each year, students and teachers publish a digital magazine dedicated to the project which is a compilation of awarded films, photos and articles written by students and teachers. IV. Results: All of the outputs of the project are published on a website dedicated to the project : 1. The short-films are published in a gallery of short films entitled CREATION & published on the eTwinning Twinspace & other sites. 2. The photos taken during awards ceremonies and the ecards created through out the project are published in a special section of the website entitled INTERACTION 3. Students' comments and memories of their project experiences are published in a specific section of the website entitled INTROSPECTION 4. Resources for teachers and students about film making and cinema are published in a specific section of the website entitled INSPIRATION. 5. A compilation of the awarded films, photos and articles are published in two digital magazines entitled "Action!" and published on the web.

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4 Partners Participants