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Action Reconciliation Service for Peace 2015-2016 Intercultural volunteer project to promote human rights and an inclusive society
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASF België/Belgique aims to fight antisemitism, racism and discrimination of minorities. It also campaigns for peace, mutual understanding and human rights, as well as an intercultural dialogue. We try to realize these objectives through participating in an international peace service programme. Our voluntary services are known as "Peace Services" because, in co-operation with our partners, volunteers develop their understanding of history and other cultures and societies, whilst experiencing and getting to know different patterns of thought and behaviour. ASF België/Belgique takes part in the international network of Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste (ASF). Every year around 180 volunteers, mostly aged between eighteen and thirty years, engage themeselves with Aktion Sühnezeichen Friedensdienste in thirteen different countries in a variety of educational, historical, political and social projects. Being a member of this network, ASF België/Belgique accompanies each year about fourteen volunteers coming from Germany during a 12-month voluntary service in Belgium. Besides, our organization supports the organization of international work camps in Belgium and functions as sending organization for volunteers from Belgium to Germany. We guarantee a perpetual training of the volunteers by organizing several seminars before, during and after the voluntary services. During these seminars we reflect, among others, on how the Second World War and other traumatic historical events have influenced collective memory and how this influences our societies today. We believe that knowledge about the past is essential for commitment to a sustainable peace in Europe.
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