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Action plan for the implementation of the European Week of Sport
Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed Action Plan has been drafted to match and address the objectives of the European Week of Sport 2016 at national level. The Action plan wants to create a national platform of sporting and physical activities, and to raise awareness and promote the benefits of sport and physical activity by utilizing and allocating all available means and resources (i.e. partners, events, communication and dissemination tools and human resources). The implementation of new innovative initiatives during the European Week of Sport and the promotion of existing sport and physical activities and programmes will give new opportunities to the population to be informed about the various physical activity opportunities. Free of charge participation in the events and accessible events will mobilise citizens to get involved and participate in sport or other physical activities. The action plan aims at enhancing the NCB’s and partners’ network and capacity and have on board as many stakeholders as possible that could play an active role in the promotion of sport and physical activity on local and national level. The NCB and its partners’ network will promote the messages of EWoS through-out the year by utilising all the available communication tools that will be provided by the EC and will be developed by the NCB and its partners on national and local level. Overall, the proposal is aiming to have a long-term impact in raising awareness on the value of sport and physical activity in promoting health, active participation and wellbeing on local, national and EU level and to initiate and develop new structures, new methods and tools aiming to support the implementation of the EU and national policies in the field of sport and health.

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