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Acting 2 speak English
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Society is strongly influenced by constantly changing environment. Social changes also affect education. Results from studies in education show that as students need more practical and language skills and motivation and teachers need of developing their managerial and professional competencies as a result of the dynamics of the processes and the backwardness of the best practices of countries demonstrating better results. The project “Acting 2 speak English” meets the needs of the organizations, supports motivation for life -long learning, works towards overcoming the shortage of competences in the area of speaking competences, necessary for the implementation of European projects to improve the quality of the vocational education and better and earlier entry into the labor market. The strategic objective of the schools is implementing a quality general and vocational training, providing adequate social adaptation and competitive career in the labor market. According to the training plans, annual plans and strategies for the development of high schools clearly defined priorities, areas that need improvement. Of particular importance is the work of the schools on educational European projects and schools successfully implements projects Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius - Mobility of students and teachers. Rapidly changing environment - introduction of new subjects, constant renewal of teaching staff, especially in recent years due to the retirement of many colleagues and influx of young colleagues, the requirements for lifelong learning Education and Training 2020, national Strategies- Strategic Objective 1; Start a new European program for education, training, youth and sport "Erasmus +" from 2014 to 2020, require higher capacity and competencies. International team, maintaining of cooporation, dissemination of the results, continuing of Internet radio, keeping contact after the project will benefit the project sustainability. We will benefit from NLP /Neoro Linguistic Programming/ as methodology of our project about the way the brain works and how the brain can be trained for the purpose of betterment. It is related to multiple intelligence. And we also will benefit from LAD/Language Acquisition Device/. Implementation of international contacts and the further internationalization is related to other priority development of the schools- improve foreign language competence of the students and the integration of ICT in teaching a foreign language. Dynamics in education requires prompt and adequate replenishment of deficits and foreign language learning as an important priority, not only the students but also the trainers. Deficit of information, updated for changes in language learning deficit assigned to the teacher's home country and the use of modern interactive methods of learning a foreign language. With the launch of the project in the schools will be given a better opportunity to promote the teaching and learning of foreign languages, using ICT and good practices. Therefore, we need sensible of intercultural competences. It is clear that education is more than a "factory" for labor. International opening of every school has started, it must continue and motivation for European student projects is included as an integrated part of the curriculum. We believe that our participation in this project will meet the needs of learners in the long run will contribute to improving the quality of foreign language education and implementing the strategy of the school - Education and Training 2020 Strategic objective 2 quality and efficiency education, key competencies and the acquisition of competences we need. Speaking English practically is seen as a problem in the countries such as Turkey,Bulgaria,Romania,Italy and Poland where English is taught as a foreign language by English teachers. According to results of the test, applied on the partner schools' 9th grade students; Hadim MTAL has 36,3%,Toma Socolescu has 54.3%, Poland has 63,7%, Italy has 45,3%,and my school 52% .The percentage of students' success shows that there is a problem in speaking skills and we should focus on this in the project. Our first aim is to develop speaking skills and foster self-confidence when it comes to looking for employment in a foreign environment. We also want to consider the different historical contexts and cultural approaches to work across the countries involved in the project. We think it is already the world our students live in, and we hope this project will contribute to help them move around in this environment.

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