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ACT NOW - Active Citizenship through new Opportunities Worldwide
Start date: Nov 1, 2010,

The current project looks at strengthening the Youth Empowerment Network-YEN by means of thedevelopment of thematic clusters of excellence in EVS, sharing best practice in youth work andneeds analysis in terms of capacity to handle and manage EVS projects that brings the European,global, national and local dimension together.As all partners have already initiated the network, and taking into account the sensitivity of domesticsituations in both Africa and Latin America, and also the cultural differences between the nationalities,before increasing the scale of the EVS projects we need to ensure that a clear sense of the in-field realityand cultural differences are clearly understood and procedures are in place before we move any furtherwith sending and hosting large numbers of young people. This would help the YEN network in guiding thewhole process of recruitment, implementation, and valorization of the EVS projects.In terms of actors involved, the YEN project ensures a synergy of NGOs and public organizations bothfrom local,, regional and national levels. The organizations involved in the current project are already part ofthe Youth Empowerment Network. All of them have a strong renown in their countries and have a long trackin youth work.The project objectives:- to avail youth workers job shadowing opportunities in youth work from the various Nations to be involved in EVS projects- to gain experience and knowledge of the local and cultural issues in all countries involved in the project that may affect potential volunteers-to elaborate instruments and procedures helpful for the quality and sustainability of EVS projects in participating countries- to foster long term collaboration in between EU, Latin America and Africa organizations in the frameowrkof European Voluntary ServiceThe methodology is based on non-formal education, experiential learning, and learning by doingThe themes of Act Now project are strengthening of civil society (including youth structures), local youth active citizenship, quality in youth work, inclusion of youths with fewer opportunities and access to European Union assistance via long term partnerships on EVS.The priorities of the project are the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, strengthening the Euro-African- America Latino dialogue, exchange and cooperation in the field of youthThere are 464 participants out of which 420 are youth workers and 44 are trainers, facilitators and staffers.The project geography is defined at two levels: regional (at the level where participating organizations from Sierra Leone, Argentina, Peru, Camerun, Romania, Sweden, UK operate) and interantional (in Romania, UK and Sweden).As for the project impact, by the end of the project we expect to:- have fully equipped youth workers involved in being able to pass on that knowledge and information to ensure that potential EVS volunteers are to receive proper pre-departure and on-arrival trainings- partner organization able to avoid "surprises" in the future to come EVS projects, which means less trauma for both the future to be EVS volunteers and the partner organizations- have built the capacity for long term structured approach to EVS development at the global level- have increased the awareness of the particularities of youth work in the participating countries- have stimulated tolerance and solidarity in youth work at the global level- have increased the capacity of youth structures in managing European Voluntary Service programes- pomote and boost participation in the European Voluntary Service in Latin America, Africa and the EU- have fostered regional/nation partnerships in order to increase access to the trans-national volunteering programme- have strengthened collaboration and long term sustainability in between the participating organizations- have exchanged of best practices in the realm of youth work

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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

6 Partners Participants