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Act local Think Global
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The debate around the active youth participant in the local communities in Portugal is actually a very significant from the point of view of social and economic development , expressing an extraordinary accession that can give to youth associations and community to a variety of actors that actually constitute a backbone of the country, particularly in fighting democratic absenty . The current phase of the political system also confers additional weight to the role of the local councils and requires the presence of new measures to the citizens demanding . In this context that fits the current project , conceived as an opportunity for debate youth policies at a local level, reflection and training on the participation of youngsters in youth local policies for the benefit of the community and themselves that will be able to gain experience of cultural exchange with host communities and acquire technical expertise on the basis of a specific activities in such fields. The expected results are cross-sectorial . This refers not only to the specific skills mentioned above , a factor of paramount importance in view of an extension of the human capital already formed to invest in their social relations, new skills, new languages and new challenges as well as the driving force of the entire project , but also, and more generally to a cultural growth , based on the assumptions of cooperation and interchange , is the humus is essential for any kind of initiative can be activated by the participants at the end of the training period . More specifically , the objectives that the project aims to achieve are as follows: - To promote the acquisition of practical skills and theoretical in a social and multicultural environment; - Meet the demand for youngsters capable of meeting the demanding for a more active participation in local community; - Activate new opportunities for youngsters in the field of innovative ways for free times and considerations about management of the activities of a social, non formal education and cultural changes; - Permit the sharing of best practices; - Encourage the deployment of a European specificity of economic and social growth linked to the development of the youth policies at a local level; - To promote cooperation with the institutions / companies / non-profit organizations both local and regional and foreign - Enhancing the skills and competencies of young people in the several areas of study; - To facilitate and encourage the emergence of roots for operational realities in the society through the placing on debate the youngsters opinions; - Enhance the language skills of young participants;
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