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AccoMpagner les apprentIs de la Région Aquitaine dans leur mobiLité européenne
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Aquitaine Region develops actions to insert more and more young people in employment through learning.To facilitate the integration of youth in employment, the Aquitaine Region unfolds in parallel a regional strategy for international mobility of apprentices.The regional strategy for international mobility of apprentices, which is based on an intervention Rules for International Mobility adopted on 25 June 2007, revolves around three axesAxis 1: International Mobility Grants;Axis 2: Regional Platform to support the international mobility of apprentices controlled by the INSUP and INFAAxis 3: Call for projects to develop and structure the regional partnerships between training institutions learning and regional companiesIn the proposed project AccoMpany apprentIces of the Aquitaine Region in their EuropeAn mobiliLy (ADMIRAL), 4 goals which stem 5 activities are referred, in the context that regional strategy for international mobility of apprentices, :1. Objectives and 4: Increase the number of international mobility projects apprenticeship training institutions Encourage the emergence of projects for apprentices in training institutions and companies not still involved in international mobility projects Activity 1: Accompaniment reinforced mounting international mobility projects for apprentices and Tutoring by training institutions and regional companies involved in learning. Activity 2: Training strengthened for international mobility referents. Activity 4: Consolidation, structuring and / or development of existing regional partnerships or not.Objective 2: Increase support and extend the duration of the international mobility of apprentices in Aquitaine Activity 5. Multiplication by a half assists (x 1.5 / year) and longer duration (1-2 weeks) of International mobility for apprentices.Objective 3: To strengthen, structure and develop international partnerships for training institution and regional companies to promote international mobility of apprentices Activity 3: reinforced contact visits.The Aquitaine Region and its regional platform to support mobility (controlled by the INSUP and INFA) will conduct four activities (activities 1-4) on financing and Aquitaine Region 1 activity (activity 5) on co Aquitaine Region and Europe .The Aquitaine region and its regional platform to support mobility (controlled by the INSUP and INFA) seeking assistance to conduct:Activity 5. Multiplication by one and a half assists (1.5 x / year) and longer duration (1-2 weeks) of mobility International apprentices to allow a greater number of apprentices (Equal Opportunities) to enjoy a international mobility.This activity will last 24 months (2 years) from 30/06/2015 to 30/06/2017 and will result in mobility of apprentices in training institution and regional businesses.The Aquitaine Region and Regional Platform mobility coordinate the mobility of apprentices in 2 phases:1. Phase 1: Mobility of apprentices in training institution (1 week / 390 apprentices grants)2. Phase 2: Mobility of apprentices (the same as in phase 1) Business (4 weeks / 390 apprentices grants)The 20 coaches will support scholarships in companies and training institutions or the first apprentices sent to the following international partners to finalize, where applicable, international partnership. With this phasing, 390 apprentices will be helped in reaching this objective 2. (see above) multiplication by ahalf the number of aid (x1.5) and a longer duration (1-2 weeks) of mobility: It will increase from 400 to 600 aids / year and from 3 to 5 weeks mobility for apprentices making such aid more accessible and attractive to apprentices in terms of amount and duration.
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