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Accessing youth to decision and policy making for better employability: developing and transferring innovative practice.
Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims at partner youth organizations’ activization in promoting direct youth democratic participation in policy making for better employability. Understanding all vital aspects of democratic youth representation and participation will enable youth organizations to become the forefront of influence and decision making, maintain the legitimacy of the processes and act as trained multipliers in National networks mainstreaming youth access to drafting employment policies. Partner youth and student councils from UK, Lithuania, Latvia and Bulgaria working on the development of youth employability policies will research, exchange practices, undergo training and work together on encouraging youth participation in decision making / governing bodies and produce an action plan for local Peer campaigners to ensure understanding of the important processes that go in hand with accessing youth to decision making by wider networks of youth organizations and young people. Follow up and dissemination stage planning will allow for the emergence of new youth employability initiatives in local governments and public sector to represent youth interests. Main objectives of the project: - to encourage innovative youth work practice exchange and transfer between youth councils in EU countries on the issues of youth democratic participation in policy making for better employability; - to discuss concerns over National youth employment policies and youth representation and involvement in drafting them; - to strengthen the belief of youth participation in policy making as a democratic instrument of young people’s participation for better employability; - to increase the quality of achievements by the synergy of partners (having a different profile, set of competence, all sectors represented), etc. - to empower youth peer campaigners and peer leaders with the skills to recognise that they can be agents of change; - to offer the opportunity for the sharing of experienced peer leaders’ competences to be discussed concerning youth participation in representative democracy; - to encourage young people to become active and better informed citizens in the sphere of representative democracy; - to promote the achievements of the young leaders and show that they do have a positive impact on society. Each partner will be represented by an equal number of participants for every Transnational Meeting and Multiplier Event during the project: Transnational meeting 1. Preparatory meeting in the UK - 6 participants from each partner country; Transnational meeting 2. Training seminar in Bulgaria - 9 participants from each partner country; Transnational meeting 3. Action Plan Development meeting in Latvia - 6 participants from each partner country; Multiplier Events - 60 participants locally in each partner country; Transnational meeting 4. Evaluation meeting in Lithuania - 7 participants from each partner country. The target groups that we are going to address in our activity plan: - Participating partner youth organizations. - Young people, representatives of the participating partner organizations. - Non-formal education facilitators with relevant experience in the field of inclusive youth work for better employability. - Experts, politicians, policy makers and public authorities (employment and/or youth sector). The innovative feature of this project will be the use of new Erasmus + opportunities of long term influence to develop innovative youth work practice exchange and policy dialogue between youth councils in EU countries and motivating youth for initiation and direct participation in policy making for better employability and producing a pilot model of good practice for use of other partners. The trained peer campaigners will then produce an action plan to encourage young people from a wide spectrum of cultural backgrounds to find out what they can do if they want to take active part in building or maintaining participatory youth employment policies in their country and active youth participation in this process. With this project our partnership will also use the resources of the established youth councils to draft youth policies that introduce liaison practices with employers and inform about governmental employment schemes for young people experiencing lack of the information on future employment possibilities by creating info sections within our partner youth councils.
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3 Partners Participants