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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to evidence based on a large number of studies, close to half of all children will experience school bullying at some point while they are at primary or at secondary school. Child bullying is a serious problem and it can be very harmful, on long term, to children. Child bullying can damage their own self-image in ways that can affect them for life. Children who are bullied can be affected emotionally and socially and their schoolwork suffers. In some cases, serious depression and attempted suicide can result from childhood bullying. Also statistics demonstrate that there is a connection between bullying and lacking self-esteem. All the pupils suffering from lacking of self-esteem present bad academic performance and they don’t have positive learning experiences. They constantly show embarrassment or discomfort even talking about school. All these pupils have a reduced sense of belonging and they have lost the feeling being connected to. The project "ACCEPTING YOURSELF AND ACCEPTING THE OTHERS"/ACCEPTO focused on offering possible solutions to these problems, by using innovative and student-centred pedagogical approaches which were intended to improve students' own personalities, build their self-esteem and combat the dangers of being bullied . The students and the teachers acquired new key competences and develoedp basic and transversal skills that would help them cope with any type of aggression,violence and bullying. We involved in the partnership 9 different schools, with different backgrounds, from all around Europe in order to share innovative practices and experiences and we also collaborated with an institute IFOS from Cagliari (Italy)which provides career professional counselling and formation services, specialized in bullying and cyberbullying which assured for the teachers involved a specialized training programme in two phases in order to strengthen their professional profile and competences to better meet the needs of the children exposed to violence and aggression. Also during the implementation stages of the project, we integrated the good practices and the new acquired methods into daily school activities, thus hoping to contribute to preventing bullying situations and by building children self-esteem to really help those at risk of early school leaving or with high risk of exclusion. In addition, the work at the project enhanced students' and teachers' ICT and foreign languages skills and their entrepreneurial abilities of team work and communication with their colleagues throughout Europe. We intended through the activities and the outcomes of the project to bring a positive change and to be of real help to other schools in the community, -Specifically the objectives of the project were: 1. To promote a successful partnership ín order to provide a more attractive education and training while working on the topic of bullying , cyberbullying and self-esteem in the frame of each school curricula; 2. To develop students' and teachers' key competences and skills such as: foreign languages skills, digital/ICT competences,project management and entrepreneurship skills while working on the project topics; 3. To raise pupils’ understanding of the phenomenon /types of bullying and making them develop a responsible behaviour by involving in the prevention and finding of effective solutions; 4.To promote students' interest for developing a healthy self-esteem attitude 5. To determine teachers' acquiring of innovative and modern pedagogical approaches thus contributing to improving the students' school and personal accomplishment -The project brought a change within all the target groups, students, teachers from the schools involved but also at the level of wider educational community by influencing the general schools policy and drawing attention to such an important topic which can affect students lives and schools general climate. - Precisely, the project end results were: -survey about the bullying phenomenon; -short films about school harassment and the opposite situation, about friendship and reciprocal help; -different posters and PPT presentations; -project mascot "The anti-bully hero" drawn by students and selected after a contest; -a "tool kit" elaborated by the students and teachers from partner schools, which contain information , safety tips, a set of rules problem management methods for possible types of problem solving; -a Facebook page; -a blog-journal; -a website; -different newspaper articles to share the experience and practices; -teaching lesson plans on the topics; -an optional course which expands the schools' curricula;

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