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ACC10 programme to foster mobility of researchers with a focus in applied research and technology transfer (TECNIOSPRING)
Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the proposal is to set up a new fellowship programme, managed by ACC1Ó and addressed to highly talented and motivated experienced researchers, to give them the opportunity to develop their research career in their area of interest, with focus on technology transfer. It will include two mobility schemes:•Outgoing + return: mobility outside Spain for experienced researchers of any nationality that reside in Catalonia willing to go abroad and join a research or technology centre or R&D department of a private company for one year. This scheme will include a return phase of one more year to a research and development or technological centre in Catalonia belonging to the TECNIO network.•Incoming: mobility for experienced researchers of any nationality, non-residents in Spain, willing to join a research and development or technological centre in Catalonia belonging to the TECNIO network for two years.Candidates will submit their applications in liaison with the TECNIO centre of their choice. Fellowships will establish a personal development career plan including research and training activities on technology transfer and complementary soft skills. Fellows will develop a research project with focus on technology transfer and work under a scientific supervisor in a stimulating and multidisciplinary scientific environment.ACC1Ó is the executive public agency for the innovation and internationalisation of Catalan companies, attached to the Ministry of Occupation and Enterprise of the Government of Catalonia.TECNIO is the network that gathers all major actors in applied research and technology transfer in Catalonia, with a staff of 3,400 people and a turnover of 146 M EUR Created and managed by ACC1Ó, it is made up of 104 centres which cover all major scientific and/or technological areas: Biotechnology; ICT; Food Technologies; Production Technologies; Materials Technologies; Energy and environmental technologies; and Chemical technologies.

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