Academia Conexão: 2º Encontro Nacional de Juventud..
Academia Conexão: 2º Encontro Nacional de Juventude Lusófona
Start date: Feb 2, 2016,
End date: Jan 1, 2017
The mission of Conexão Lusófona starts from identify and capacity building the future leaders of the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community and encourage concerted actions of political advocacy spearheaded by the Portuguese-speaking youth. Furthermore, the association has promoted a number of initiatives that aim to reach this purpose such as university debates and various conferences. The great increase of young participants made the Conexão Lusófona feel prepared to go one step further with the organization of one Academy based on the capacity building and the structured dialogue process. The "Academia Conexão: 2º Encontro de Juventude Lusófona" aims to deepen and continue the first edition held last June in the municipality of Palmela, Setúbal district - Portugal.The second edition of "Academia Conexão" aims to bring together in May 2016, 50 young Portuguese-speaking, between 18 and 30 years of age, in the village of Campo Maior (Alentejo region/Portugal), to learn, reflect and discuss issues related to the Lusophone space and Europe, with each other and with experts and decision-makers, in an exercise of collectively create recommendations based on a structured dialogue process.The activities of the second Academy Connection will include policy advocacy strategies for the implementation of the recommendations from the first edition of the Academy as well as moments with experts who will address new key issues to the CPLP and European Union, for generating new recommendations. The working methodologies will be based on non-formal education and peer-education because we believe that they are the ones that most enhance the participation and involvement of all participants in the debate of these issues.Results and impacts of the second Academia Conexão concern mainly with the solidification of this project, having in mind that the first edition was still a pilot edition and giving for the second year the opportunity to the organizers to expand their knowledge and experience in organizing meetings of structured dialogue. Other desired is the capacity building of over 50 young Lusophone and the continuity and improvement of political advocacy project that we began when we forward the recommendations from the first edition to the Conference of Ministers of Sport and Youth CPLP.We believe that the long term benefits of this project will be visible, especially in terms of awareness and active citizenship of young people to the issues of the European Union, CPLP and cooperation between these two spaces. We believe that in the near future many of the European and Portuguese-speaking leaders will have passed at least to one of the editions of the Academia conexão. This is the legacy we want to leave.
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