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Absolwenci - Pierwsze kroki na europejskim rynku pracy.
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Graduates - first steps on the European labor market" enabled 24 off age graduates of Mechanical Technical College ( 4 participants ) and Nutrition and Food and Tourism Services Tachnical College ( 20 participants) from nr. 1 High Schools Complex in Oława to take a ten week work placement abroad, organized by the partnership of Euro-Partner Association with nr.1 High Schools Complex in Oława and Contec-Holding B.V in Holland. Placements took place in companies specializing in food production using machinery and equipment (T.2) and organic food production and processing, which were maximally tailored up to individual needs of the participants’ professional development . The placement gave the graduates the opportunity to develop and increased their mobility in the European labor market. It enabled them to use and check so far acquired knowledge, professional and language skills in the workplace. It gave them opportunity for practical training in enterprises in particular posts, where they could learn about the character of the profession, maintenance of machinery and equipment, become familiar with the work environment and functioning of the enterprise according to modern standards. Educational mobility of graduates increased the value of human resources because the participants not only gained knowledge, but also learnt languages and developed intercultural skills. Taking part in the placement was a big challenge for the participants, but it also gave them great opportunities of professional and personal development. The project was ideal for participants who wanted to increase their professional qualifications and gain competences through vocational practice. Thanks to the project , at no cost for them, they could develop professionally, get a job offer, or start their own business. Through training in an international working environment, they got closer to another European nation, a direct, unrestricted contact with cultural diversity was possible, what brought a better understanding of other nations and gave a creative impulse for the development of intercultural competence. An everyday contact with people who speak a different language forced the need for constant communication, which contributed to the improvement of Dutch, German and English. This increased the participants’ awareness of how important it is to develop language skills to become part of European citizenship. Undergoing placements, vocational training improved their communication skills, developed problem-solving skills, increased self-confidence, self-esteem level, improved the image, self-presentation skills, time management skills and team work skills. Completing the placement and the training was confirmed by an international Certificate and the documents Europass Mobility and Personal Transcript evaluation system ECVET, certifying professional qualifications obtained , what increased the value /competitiveness of the graduates at the European and regional labor market. That increased the chances for employment, self-employment and participation in the European labor market. Developing new training modules for participants. The added value of the practical training was increasing language proficiency in professional Dutch, German and English. Implementation of the placement took place in selected Dutch enterprises in the Limburg region. Industry: food production using machinery and equipment (T.2) and organic food production and processing . 24 participanta,10 weeks from 14th of September 2014 till 21st of November 2014. Project implementation contributed to the fight against youth unemployment, helping young people to acquire key skills such as using a foreign language, communicative abilities and adaptability, giving them an opportunity to learn how to live and work with people of different nationalities and cultures. Project activities and the project implementation met the objectives established in the Europe 2020 Strategy and objectives established for Poland and three main priorities : 1. Smart growth, 2. Sustainable growth 3. Inclusive growth.
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