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ABITour 2015+
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Partner Zemgale Planning Regional/ Municipality of Jekabpils/ Latvia; IZI Ltd./ Easy Job-Bridge- Easy School of Languages/ Malta and district Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld have joined forces with the aim of improving the language and European skills of trainees. These skills are necessary to work in a European context with an intercultural opening of management. The intercultural opening of management is a process of human resources and organizational development, which aims to guarantee an equal and unhindered access of all citizens to services and offers a county provides. The intercultural opening is a important part of community policy on the county level. Given the fact that even in large rural areas, the proportion of people with a migration history has reached a considerable scale and will continue to increase, it involves a challenge that concerns many county administrations directly. The main aims of the project are: - to indicate the opportunity to work in European administration - to increase the ability and self-confidence to work abroad - to demonstrate input for a active participation in the process of internationalization in the administration That means: - Job Shadowing - comparing different kinds of vocational education - getting to know and comparing different structures, procedures and cultural conditions - motivating trainees to work and learn abroad - motivating for life long learning - improving the ICT skills through use of modern means of communication - improving languages skills, particularly in real situations - improving the intercultural skills Aims: intercultural aims: - to influence the trainees in the readiness of international work (to be ready to go abroad) - to show the opportunities on the European labor market - to get over languages barriers, prejudices and reservations - to build an openness for intercultural process - to understand diversity of culture as a resources (to use these resources ) Aims: methodic aims: - trainees increase languages skills, particularly increase their English language skills (expansion of vocabulary, expressiveness, business English, increase basic Latvian vocabulary) - to improve ICT skills (MS-office work program, multi media systems) - trainees get to know different kinds of work procedures - networking - trainees increase engagement, flexibility, ability to compromise, responsibility, team work, cooperation, confidence and discipline The project will present the district Anhalt-Bitterfeld as an attractive and cosmopolitan employer, not only for staff but also trainees and regional interested parties. All in all - six young trainees in the professional of "local administrative assistant" will participate in a 3- or 4 weeks Job Shadowing in Malta and Latvia. The project is divided into 3 streams. These are adapted on the vocational education. We will have suitable measures for external and internal communication. These measures are very significant in communicating the projects and the results in a bigger area. We will have continuous monitoring to take the experience gained into future projects.
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