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Abandono escolar temprano: Investigación y estrategias de intervención en centros educativos de España, Bulgaria y Turquía
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

I. PROJECT SUMMARY I.1 CONTEXT Early school leaving is the proportion of young people between 18 and 24 years that have not completed high secondary education and have not attended any kind of education or training activities for the last four weeks. A priority objective of educational policies is encouraging young people to continue their education and training beyond the mandatory stages for its positive effects on the individual development and social progress and for easing their access to the labour market. The European Union established the aim of obtaining the target of 10% of early school leaving in 2010 in the Lisbon Summit. As it was not achieved, reiterated the aim in the Madrid Summit with the new deadline of 2020. I.2 OBJECTIVES a) To tackle early school leaving as a challenge in the context of the European dimension of education to enhance equity and inclusion. b) To organize training activities for professionals in this field. c) To reflect upon the obtained information as regards the issue of early school leaving to put forward realistic proposals of intervention. d) To value the efficacy of actions in all levels of intervention. e) To suggest improvement proposals. f) To enhance and improve professional competences with the aim of consolidating the European dimension in the educational systems of the participating countries. g) To contribute to promote the European values in accordance with article 2 of the European Union Treaty. I.3 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES Spain: (Principality of Asturias) Inspectorate of Education, associated schools and public and social institutions. Bulgaria: (Province of Sliven) Inspectorate of Education and associated schools. Turkey: (Province of Edirne) Inspectorate of Education and associated schools. I.4 ACTIVITIES a) Initial meetings of members of the applicant institution to set in motion the project. b) Setting up the organization structure to distribute tasks, to monitor activities and to assess the project. c) E-mail contacts with participating countries (partners). d) Presentation of project to members and participating countries (partners). I.5 METHODOLOGY a) Elaboration of repositories: links, bibliography, webgraphy, location of sources and information. b) Elaboration of information leaflets. c) Elaboration of searching and analysis tools: surveys, questionnaires, research and analysis. d) Information meetings. e) Creation of professional networks. I.6 RESULTS a) Catalogue of identifying indicators of key risk elements of early school leaving. b) Common protocols of integrated intervention in schools. c) Web site. d) Essays and analysis of results of the realized intervention. I.7 LONG TERM BENEFITS a) Awareness on early school leaving and commitment on its solution. b) Detailed and realistic knowledge on early school leaving. c) Extension of the application of definite proposed measures to tackle early school leaving to interested agents and groups. d) Collaboration activities among institutions and countries.
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