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AB Standartlarında Yaşlı Bakımı İçin Hemşirelik Becerilerinin Geliştirilmesi
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The most important factor in the healthy sustenance of the lives of individuals in need of care due to diseases or old age is the professional qualifications of the caretakers and the hygienic condition of their environment. Having caretakers who lack the appropriate professional knowledge and lack of sterilization and disinfection in the caretaking environment would have a direct impact on the sick or elderly individuals, thereby making their already difficult living conditions even harder. To that end, giving individuals qualifications in these fields will both create employment oppotunities for vocational health high school graduates and the employment deficit will be cut by providing the personnel with the technical knowledge and skills that the sector needs. Thus the employment need of the graduates will be met and the quality of the lives of those in need of care will increase. The aim of our project is to help our participants find employment as qualified workforce in the market through training them on psychological treatment of the elderly and the sick and on hygiene and safety in patient care. These qualities will contribute to the competitiveness both in national and in international markets. In addition to the professional output, enabling self-expression in a foreign language and culture will also enable the development of their self-confidence and vision through language, pedogogical and cultural training that they will receive before and during the mobility. Professional training is seen as the acquisition of not only the appropriate knowledge, but also the skills to communicate with other cultures and to keep up with the age of information. This qualification, which is not adequately provided in our country, will make both short and long-term contributions to our participants in both a narrow and wide environment. After the education they will receive in the economically and educationally developed EU countries such as the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy, the participants will have internationally recognized certificates and this will be an important step towards increasing our global competitiveness. The participants in the target group of our project will be selected among the 10th, 11th and 12th grade students studying Nursing and Sick and Elderly Care at project owner Konya Kıreli Çok Programlı Lisesi (Konya Kıreli Multi-Program High School) and the partner institutions Çanakkale Anadolu Sağlık Meslek Lisesi (Çanakkale Anatolian Vocational High School of Health), Gelibolu Anadolu Sağlık Meslek Lisesi (Gelibolu Anatolian Vocational High School of Health) and Biga Anadolu Sağlık Meslek Lisesi (Biga Anatolian Vocational High School of Health). 10 people will be selected from each institution. There will be 40 participants between the ages 15-18 most of which will be chosen among the female students. The students finish their 4-year education at school after taking courses such as anatomy, physiology, illness types, mental health of the sick and the elderly, their nourishment, daily care and activities, and medicine tracking. However, since there is no module for the care of the sick and the elderly in the current educational system, the participants lack the skills concerning psychological approach towards those who are in need of care due to sickness or old age, diagnosis and treatment of depression, hygiene, sterilisation and safety. Within the scope of our project, which is developed to meet this need, we expect the participants to gain these lacking knowledge and skills as well as language, cultural, social and behavioural competence after their 14-day training in Germany FORUM Berufsbildung, the Netherlands Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Italy AZIENDA OSPEDALIERA OSPEDALE NIGUARDA CA’GRANDA and Spain HC HOSPITALES S.L.U. The participants will have the opportunity to be employed in nursing homes, hospitals, clinics and home care services as a result of such an active application process and an active dissemination of the results to all concerned. Thus they will easily integrate into professional life and be able to compete in the market as workforce. This outcome will strengthen the sector, help improve the conditions of the sick and elderly in need of care, and thus also carry social health to the next level.
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7 Partners Participants