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AB Standartlarında Glutensiz Gıda Üretimi
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Gluten is procurable from grain products and it causes one of the most common intolerance diseases called celiac. Consumption of grain and grain products is one of the most consumed nutrition in the world including our country even though changing nourishment habits. Celiac is a common disease and there are findings about gluten is generally not good for human health thus, free gluten food production studies have been increased and regulations for providing standards in this field have been made. A regulation for producing free gluten food go into operation in year 2012 and our country has updated its regulations accordingly that regulation which prepared by European Committee. An important development has been carried out for producing free gluten food. There are separated sections only for free gluten food in EU countries and our country. This situation increases the need of firms for intermediate staff that possesses practical knowledge about production field and regulations about producing free gluten food. It is possible to find gluten in the last product due to cross links even though the raw material is completely gluten free. Thus, the risk for cross links must be taken under control through special sanitation and confirmation applications during the production stage. This situation increases the need of expertise qualified staff in producing gluten free food even more. The primary objective of our institute is to bring our students one step forward away from their peers through providing them with specific expertise. The main objective of our project which is formed accordingly producing gluten free food in food technology field is related to this institutional purpose. In this context, the main objective of our project is to provide our students an internship opportunity in one of the European Union member countries that is ahead of our country about producing gluten free food and is the first one to form this extensive regulation. In accordance with this purpose, it is planning those 30 female students to implement this training program in Czech Republic. Besides this main objective, our project also has vocational, cultural, lingual and institutional objectives:Participants to be able to get hired and show their efficiencies through the certificates they will collect after the activities (Europass Activity and Europass Resume will be given by hosting institute).To provide students with personal development and enlargement of perspective through the cultural interactions.To increase qualified employee count that are going to contribute our institute’s European development plan through developing our accompanying teachers’ proficiencies.To develop English skills of students and teachers through using it during the activities.To increase qualifications of our management staff through cooperating with a different institute in Czech Republic where we implemented another activity before and contributing our institute’s internationalization.The project will be implemented in two mobilities. In each mobility, 15 students and an accompanying teacher will attend 3 weeks training activity in Czech Republic. In the first week, theorical knowledge about regulations and producing gluten free food will be given within the project’s education program; last two weeks are reserved for practical trainings about producing field. The training program of our students also includes cultural studies and factory visitations. The project management team will run the project from our institute.Participating students will develop their vocational proficiencies and have a chance to show their proficiencies in a tangible way. Students will gain an cultural awareness along with their vocational acquisitions and develop their practical English skills. Project will bring important contributes into our European development plan and the development of our institute. Target groups will be positively affected from our project outcomes and change their point of view to vocational training graduates and women’s participation in labor. The project will provide our participants with employment in the long term and thereby, it will pave the way for a national affect.

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