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Ab ins Ausland
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘Ab ins Ausland!’ initiates the first big “Mobility”-program of the Berufskolleg Bergisch Gladbach in cooperation with NaBiBB, based on the idea to develop the international profile of the school. Today’s social and working environment generates increasing demand in people with distinct intercultural competences. The current political situation in Germany and Europe illustrates the importance to deal openly with people from other countries and cultures. The development of intercultural competence is therefore an important educational target, which encourages us to offer international mobilities to students and to extend the international network of our institution. As a public educational institution we see it as our task to develop our students’ as well as the staff members ' intercultural competences. For implementation the full time vocational course of the ‘Berufliches Gymnasium’ was chosen. Here internships are in high demand and students have sufficient knowledge of foreign languages. In the past some vocational course students already had the opportunity to complete internships abroad, which raised the interest in that area.The future target is to have one third of an age group participating in the project, by completing an internship at a preschool educational institution in the foreign countries of Europe. During the project runtime it is intended to send 2 x 10 students of grade 12 abroad.An internship in the first half of grade 12 is mandatory and follows strict guidelines regarding professional content, which are part of the professional education. The participating students will attend the 5-week internship abroad as part of their professional education at the same as the students in Germany. The preparation of the project participants starts with the school year and is covered in regular lessons and additional courses. During that time the organizational arrangements between the coaching teachers and the partner institutions abroad are conducted.An evaluation takes place before, during and after the processing of the mobility. The experiences gained during this “Start Up”-project shall be utilized to expand international activities to other educational areas of the Berufskolleg in the future, such that an increasing number of students and staff members may spend some part of their professional activities abroad.Long term the Berufskolleg Bergisch Gladbach intends to become a stable partner in the European network, who offers international mobilities and contacts to the students to develop and increase their personal and professional chances. This partnering will also convey new impulses and competences to teachers and employees of the school. The European idea lives of transnational encounters and positive experience - especially among young people.

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