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A Virtual Intertextual Tour across Ancient Entrepreneurship
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

AVITAE: “A Virtual Intertextual Tour across Ancient Entrepreneurship” aims to increase students’ awareness of our common European roots, with a particular focus on the birth and development of the European entrepreneurial spirit. The seven partner schools are both secondary (6) and vocational (1) schools, spread across Europe: they are located in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Denmark, Slovakia, Finland, and Spain (Canarias). The students taking part in AVITAE are aged 15-18. They will be involved in a variety of activities: they will seek, select, read and analyse old texts, exploit other kinds of sources, such as maps and pictures, interview historians, attend lectures, visit workshops, museums and ancient sites, always following a teamwork modality to share research results with their partners; they will produce texts, presentations, short films, animations, games, interactive maps and plans, they will run art competitions, and finally they will translate into action what they have learnt from their “tour across ancient entrepreneurship”, trying to build their own business inspired by ancient civilizations. Six short-term exchanges will take place to let students work side by side, exchange ideas, share and discuss the results of their work and acquire a better and more direct knowledge of their partners’ heritage and history of enterprise culture. The AVITAE website will be created, first as a virtual meeting place for students and teachers, and then as the project’s main tool for sharing and discussing ideas, choices and outcomes; the website will also host and publish both transitional and ultimate materials to encourage dissemination. AVITAE aims to promote an innovative approach to Europe’s classical heritage, and to enhance cooperative learning and enterprise culture in the young in order to make them more aware of their common roots, and more communicative and better employable individuals in the labor market.

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6 Partners Participants