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A sound mind in a sound body - how to survive the changes in our world and be well
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„A sound mind in a sound body – how to survive the changes in our world and be well” is a three-year-long project which is based on three main components or ‘pillars’ of physical health, mental health and healthy environment. It focuses on developing initiatives that will promote young people’s social inclusion and wellbeing, the improvement of physical and psychological condition, the enhancement of healthier living habits as well as the active participation of young people in the society. The project intends to help students cope with the difficult circumstances they have had to experience during the global crisis and due to current changes in lifestyles, overcome difficulties, maintain good health and mood, and be better prepared for their future role in the society. Our intention is to approach the subject in a holistic manner, showing the interdependence of all the project components. By means of different activities we are proposing, we would like our students to become the leaders of change in the attitude towards health and healthy living, giving it the right importance and shaping the view of the young generation. We will particularly concentrate on mental health as a drive of change and development that makes people find their strengths, build up their self-esteem, take up challenges, start new ventures, develop and be active. It also seems essential in building active citizenship, the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. The project intends to integrate participants with physical and intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties, as well as the ones from disadvantaged backgrounds, so they feel included and not left behind, and may be the ones to learn from. The objectives of this project include learning about modern threats to our health as well as ways to be physically and mentally healthy, realizing the importance of mental health, raising the sense of personal responsibility for health and raising public awareness, reflecting on our diets, learning to live in a healthy, ecological, environmentally-friendly manner in order to ensure our safe and healthy future, getting to know each other and making friends in other countries, which we believe will lead to better understanding and responsiveness to European social, linguistic and cultural diversity. The project will also lead to the improvement of linguistic, digital and transversal skills of all the participants. The project will be carried out by the group of five partners who involve two general secondary schools with mixed-ability classes from Poland and Spain as well as three general secondary schools from Turkey, Finland and Italy. The schools’ slightly different profile serves genuine integration of our disadvantaged students, among whom there are physically and intellectually disabled pupils, the ones with learning difficulties and special educational needs as well as others from disadvantaged backgrounds. We expect to achieve significant results after the completion of the project, including improving the participants’ knowledge of the countries involved and key components of this project, raising personal and public awareness of health threats, disease prevention, importance of mental condition, wellbeing, diet, environmental problems, improving linguistic and digital competences, raising self-esteem, motivation and satisfaction. We want young people to build meaningful friendships based on better understanding and responsiveness to different cultures and values. Our aims are going to be achieved through the promotion of outdoor activities and sports, cultural activities raising both awareness and wellbeing, trips and visits to nature reserves, national parks and other places of natural beauty. The project will implement the research – action methodology, thus “quiet”, scientific or explorative activities will be mixed with big project and dissemination events as well as students’ short-term exchanges We are going to get involved in the whole range of activities, including socializing with our friends from other countries, organizing and participation in sports competitions, trips and visits to museums, galleries and historical sites. Moreover, we will involve students and teachers from other schools, parents and local residents, to participate in events such as health picnics, foreign languages and cultures day, talent shows, food fairs and photo exhibitions. We will produce questionnaires, surveys, quizzes, leaflets, posters and brochures, videos, a project website, facebook and blog, and a calendar. We also intend to create the curriculum for the school subject of “health”, which might be later used in our schools and disseminated among other teachers. We are convinced that the project will have a positive impact on its participants, partner schools, persons indirectly involved in it, who will not only gain project-related knowledge, but also develop their awareness, tolerance, and change their image for the better.

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