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A Resilience Curriculum for Early and Primary Schools In Europe
Start date: Dec 1, 2012,

Schools are increasingly being held responsible for putting in place curricula and practices that promote children’s and young people’s psychological wellbeing and prevent problems of mental health. The rapid social, economical and technological changes taking place in European society today, with consequent poverty, unemployment and inequity, as well as family breakdown, rampant individualism and competition, and mobility, are exposing children to increasing pressures and stressors at a young vulnerable age, posing a significant risk to their healthy development. These challenges underline the need for a twenty-first-century-relevant education that leads to the formation of academically, socially and emotionally literate children and young people. The project seeks to address this emerging need by developing a resilience curriculum to equip young children with the requisite competencies for continued growth and success despite the barriers and risks they are set to face. Rather than an add-on/one-off programme, however, the project proposes that resilience education will become a core competence in n the curriculum from the Kindergarten to the final year of primary education. The curriculum will be based on the needs of European children, with content areas, indicators and assessment modes for each year. The first year will be dedicated to devise the curriculum, the second year for the training of teachers, and the third for piloting, evaluation and dissemination of the curriculum. It will be translated into the languages of the 6 countries taking part in the study in the form of a manual and CD for students and teachers, and a manual for parents. The curriculum will serve as an exemplar of good practice in resilience building in early and primary schools in the participating and other European countries.

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