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A refugee story
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The activities of the project entitled " a refugee story" , will be held in the area of Thessaloniki from 15-9-2016 in the framework of the program Erasmus + youth mobility , which will be in eight nights and will take place 42 youngsters from countries Greece , Turkey , Romania , Italy , Spain and Georgia who are students of schools and universities and will be of both sexes . It involved 1 leader from each country . The activities related to the interests of young people and pulse of society. Through experiential methods , young people will communicate with different way(music , song , picture , words) . The refugee stories will sensitize the restless youthful soul, making it receptive to social callings. Through playful way can discover themselves and the forces that hide within. Will be divided into mixed inconsistent teams and play simulation games , role-playing , pantomimes . It dramatized stories known and unknown , so they will understand each culture . They will come in contact with experts who can give them incentives to express their narrative skills effectively. Also visiting the refugee center, will create those conditions with which the solidarity becomes indispensable factor of coexistence. Visiting a museum of the city will give the opportunity to become acquainted with the History The methodology that will be used in non-formal learning will be free discussion , board games and theatrical and musical performances, sports activities . The results of the participation will be an opening to others , the development of critical thinking ,the intercultural perspective, the practice of a foreign language , the possibility of belonging to a group , the development of creativity and organizational capacity . The impact of such a program will be high both for themselves and for smaller communities that slowly will be like a yeast which increase the interest of the wider society and its participation in joint European action . The long-term benefits will be the participation through dissemination to more young people for programs of national and european and why not activities.
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