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A.R.G.O. - Human resource accreditation to guarantee employability

The purpose of the A.R.G.O. project is to set minimum competency standards for the job of "higher technician in integrated tourism marketing and organisation". The aim is to establish and test accreditation models for skills acquired via informal or non-formal channels; tools enabling users to assess and enhance their own skills; and tools enabling vocational training specialists to assess and accredit skills in the sector.The chief result of the project will be the establishment of the procedures necessary for the recognition and certification of skills in the tourism sector in particular. The project results and products will be published in a manual in IT, FR and ES and on an Internet site.The project will target young people in training or already active on the labour market, people working in the tourism sector and training organisations.The results will be disseminated throughout the project period via a dedicated Internet site and national and transnational projects.
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