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A novel vocational training program on cloud computing skills
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

Skills/competences on management/use of cloud computing by public administrations are key for employability of jobseekers and employees as demand for these skills is rising. Public administrations will benefit significantly from cloud computing services enabled by availability of skilled staff.Nebula will develop a Sector Skills Alliance for training provision and a novel VET program on Cloud Computing Skills. The program will train learners in all aspects of migration of IT infrastructures to cloud computing architectures including technical, organizational, financial, procurement aspects. Using novel training approaches, i.e. case-studies, game-based learning and distance learning facilitated by an online platform, Nebula will provide a complete VET solution that can be exploited/sustained by many VET providers in the EU states.Expected results include:- A Sector Skills Alliance on Cloud Computing Skills for public administrations- A VET program on Cloud Computing Skills to train learners on the skills/competences required for migration to and administration of cloud computing- An online platform to facilitate remote access to training content and collaborative learning- Trainer & trainee guidelines, materials, assessment methods and tools in 7 European languages- 1 “train the trainer” seminar & 4 training workshops- 8 dissemination events, social networking, awareness raising campaign- Strategic sustainability & continuation actionsExpected benefits & impact:Nebula will build a Sector Skills Alliance to define a roadmap and drive the requirements for VET in cloud computing. It will contribute to job performance improvement, enhance employability & help employees advance their careers by providing them with skills/competences on new technologies. Trainers will benefit through availability of the VET program that they can utilise and adapt to provide state-of-the-art training offerings related to a pervasive new technology requiring digital skills.

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