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A novel architecture for modelling, virtualising and managing the energy consumption of household appliances (AIM)
Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is to foster a harmonised technology for managing in real time the energy consumption of appliances at home, interworking this information to communication devices over the home network and virtualising it with the final aim of making it available to users through home communication networks in the form of standalone or network operator services.Behind this scope, the main idea is to provide a generalised method for managing the power consumption of devices that are either powered on or in stand-by state. Especially for the second category of devices, the project will conceive autonomous, self-programmable mechanisms for stand-by state detection and power off, using all-device-fit, harmonised, own-developed interfaces.AIM will apply its technology on white goods (refrigerators, kitchens, washing machines, driers), communication devices (cordless phones and wireless communication devices for domestic use) and audiovisual equipment (TV Sets and Set-top-boxes) and will be built around 3 use-cases:1)Use-case for residential users (intelligent power management service for autonomous energy preservation).2)Use-case for governmental organizations (metering service for energy planning and CoC compliance testing).3)Use-case for legacy services operators (remote monitoring and management).Although the AIM technology is going to be applied on a certain range of domestic appliances it will be deployed generically enough so as to be applicable on other appliance types, like heaters, solar panels, etc, of which use is less frequent but also important concerning energy conservation.
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