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A new way to social skills.

The main goal of the project was to increase social competence of disadvantaged persons. There were 6 organizations taking part in the project. All of them are working with people at the risk of social exclusion (prisoners, emigrants, refugees). The project had two parts. In the first part participating organizatons exchanged information about their work with disadvantaged persons, methods of work they are using, effects and problems they encounter. We were especially interested in methods which are not common used, but are known to have good effects such as art, drama, dencing etc. To do that we had prepared a "staff training" during which we tought each other new methods of work.Having new methods we had arranged a Sociall Skills Development Program, which we introduced to ongoing work in our organizations. Every organization embraced a relevant number of trainees (prisoners, students, wards) to the social skills programm, depending on the size and needs of organization, byt not less then 15. We worked with different methods such as indyvidual training, group training, lectures, painting, drowing, drama, acting, mural painting etc. to develope the most important social skills such as communication skills, methods of coping with stress, conflict resolution, self – confidence, tolerance etc.The project had started with a conference during which all aims and tasks were discussed and end up also with conference during which presentation of achievements, summary, evaluation were done.The main product of the partnership is a game/coloring book for the children, made by the trainees, which we had given to the local organizations. The extra product is Social Skills Development Programm Script which we had wrote in English and national languages, containing games we had used, which we also transferred to those who are interested in developing social skills. The trainees made also other products such as postcards, booklets containing their works of art.

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5 Partners Participants