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"A múltam a jelenem, a jelenem a jövőm"
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school, Hegyháti Általános Iskola is a small school with 147 pupils and 14 teachers, who are coming from 11 townships of this region. We are settled at two premises both of them are well equipped with ICT accessories. A significant number of German minority lives in this region therefore - aligned to their needs - German minority language education has been existing in our school since 1998.The purpose of this project is to help achieve our goals as an institution. One of these goals is to treasure our traditions as a German minority school and to help the reformation of our linguistic education. In the interest of this improvement, the reformation of the teaching methodology, the establishment of international contacts and the implementation of cooperative projects will be necessary.Our target is to get our institution to stand out from the other schools of this region by offering outstanding educational work and specialized training methods. We have to be open for new approaches on the field of education, one of these new methods could be the use of our range of programmable LEGO robots in our IT classes. In order to make full use of this innovative teaching method the development of our IT-teachers English language is necessary.Additionally our institution needs to improve the linguistic capabilities, leadership skills and the digital competency of our teachers. The first step would be to reach an outstanding level on the field of foreign languages which would give us the necessary experience to further broaden our knowledge on the different training methods.The project has three participants.Our german teacher received her diploma at the University of Pecs as a German literature and linguistics teacher. She participates in teacher trainings every year in order to keep up with the current requirements. She took part in multiple international trainings where she has won two international scholarships so far. She choose the training of the ActiLinguaAcademy in Vienna.The second participiant has been working with us since 1997. Currently as the director of our institution her tasks include getting in touch with our partners, coordinating the operations of the institution, motivating and guiding our colleagues. In order to further improve her competence as a director she requires to advance her knowledge in the English language, this would serve the interest of our institution. The third participant has been working at our institution as a Mathematics, Geography and IT teacher since 1997. She coordinates the institutions skill tests, as well as helping to organise the different school projects and institutional applications. She started to teach programming with the previously mentioned LEGO robots, these robots require an extremely high English language knowledge and even though she has been improving her foreign language skills as a personal ambition, the improvement of her linguistic skills would be highly beneficial to the institution. She would like to take part in a training program in the UK.During the preparations the selection of participants and training courses have been chosen. This phase will end with the submission of the application. Completing this application starts with the signing of the contracts. The trainings will be preceded by a linguistic, psychical, cultural and professional preparation. After the training we would sum up the experiences and evaluate them. This step would be followed by the publication of the experiences and the publication of the summary. In the end we would apply the gathered knowledge and experience in practice.The possible results of this project would include all the documents created over the training period such as documents and notes, collected by professional methods. The intangible results would include the development of personal knowledge in the selected languages, improvement in methodology, cooperative and social skills and the sharing of these newly acquired experiences and knowledge. Our German teachers new methods would assist the effective teachings of the language, which would be shared through an internal course after the initial training takes place.Our IT teacher would be able to offer a much deeper learning experience due to the better understanding of the English technical literature, also after the initial training she will participate in an advanced ICT course.Our directors higher level of linguistic skills would allow her to get involved in additional courses and trainings related to management, leadership skills and institutional development.During these trainings we will have the opportunity to build international relations and connections which could serve as the basis of joint projects later in the future.Due to these experiences, the motivation to learn and improve in foreign languages will intensify by an enormous amount, both in our teachers and pupils.
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