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à la découverte de la culture hongroise et de la citoyenneté européenne
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SVE project for 2014-2015, entitled " to the discovery of the Hungarian culture and the European citizenship " will be carried by the department of childhood and youth of the city hall of Saint-Nolff. The SVE will also be in connection with the department of culture and communication. The objectives of the project are : - to allow children to discover other cultures. - to make the child aware of their environment. - to favor the expression and encourage the participation of the young people. - Contribute to the arts and cultural education. We would welcome a Hungarian woman who wishes to discover the work of animation, to make known her culture and give to the children the opportunity to become aware of a European citizenship. The timetable of the SVE will adapt itself to the reform of the new school timetables and to the opening hours of the house for child and of the youth club. To know better the children and the monitors, she will participate to the hour of meal for children and in the leisure activities for children on Wednesday afternoon. All the animations on the cultures and the European citizenship will be co-led by the SVE and the responsible monitor with as objective to make playful the learning of these themes. Games, manual, cultural and sports activities will allow the children to become open on the world which surrounds them and to understand it better. The Times of Extraschool activity will thus be a place to learn intercultural. The various interventions of the SVE in the newspaper of the townhall, during the official events and during the European Day will be so many opportunities to make discover at the same time the Hungarian culture, Europe and eurpoean programms set up to favor the mobility of the young people. While being informed of the cultural differences and the membership in Europe, the children and the adults will be more tolerant to other, able to build a Europe respecting the liberties of each one. It is a way to fight against discriminations and to give to all the wish to go and to meet the others, to travel, to discover new cultures and to enforce the tolerance.

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