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A hátrányok legyőzésének lehetősége - hátrányos helyzetű fiatalok németországi gyakorlata
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our association works in a close cooperation with the local schools, organising trainings, operating information service for young people. By our international cooperations we sent more than 100 young people in several programs (YIA – EVS, youth exchanges, trainings, Leonardo). The association provides an application with Hungarian and German vocational schools, with a training office and a building company which provides practical workplace for the builder students.The period of the project is two years. The traveling process of the students is: in each year 12 students with two group leader participate in this project in Germany for 4 weeks. The Bützower vocational school agrees to hold the German language courses for students and provide jobs for the participants of the workshops in schools and outside firms. In 4 week 12 persons - 12 youth construction workers (carpenter, carpentry, building and structural metalwork, painting) participate in this project in Germany. Before the departure int he last week and on the first week in Germany is the preparation training time which is about language and culture. The association and school is responsible about the preparation in language, intercultural areas and also assessing mental condition. Preparation in German language and terminology, in addition helping the official communication/cooperation between the partners in Germany. This new type cooperation brings possibility for the school to take part in the reformation process of the vocational education, to get experiences in the dual vocational education system in Germany. It is a big possibility for the school to step out to international fields, developing their innovation. Enhancing competencies in language and vocational level, raising the chance of the students on the labour market. Half of the students of the „Esély Iskola” (Chance School) and Mester KFT. have disadvantaged background (social, economical, 52 % roma students). The Bützower Vocational school trains disadvantaged students who can not find employment at companies of professional practitioners in the dual system. Aim/prospective result: to establish mutual trust beetwen the Hungarian and German partners and the students implement effective professional practice. The main aim and result is to give opportunity for students raising their chance on the labour market. ECVET: After an evaluation of the workpractice, on the final event the directors of the vocational school and German employers prepare and monitoring an agreement about the cooperation defining the framework of the future collaboration (learning outcomes, methods, assessment methods, quality assurance).

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