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A dreamy future in my hands
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "A dreamy Future in my hands" was a youth initiative (Erasmus+ Key action 1 "MOBILITY PROJECT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND YOUTH WORKERS") , elaborated by Pro Petralia “F.sco Tropea” Association. This initiative has been realized from 1th September to 10th of September 2014 in Petralia Sottana, a little town of Sicily in province of Palermo within a precious Natural Park of Sicily, Madonie Park. It involved 36 participants from six countries Spain, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Holland, Ireland and Italy, 5 young participants+1 group leader per each nation in the main flow between 1th to 10th of september, and 6 participant in the APV flow between 8th to 10th of August.The project involved nations/cultures with great problems of youth unemployment, but with great potentiality compaired with countries that count on the sustainable model of green economy. The idea borns from the desire to offer and stimulate good practises for jobs (craft, agriculture and tourism). Youth participants had the opportunity to experience a reality in which the job is closely connected with the natural environment in harmony with the local community. They spent time with people that daily put the own passion into their work. In this occasion participants learnt how to make cheese during a visit in a sheep farm, handcrafted products as the tipical sicilian stool made of wicker, biological agricolture, and much more. But the real aim of our project is to show to the young participants how their future can be built by your own "Hands" learning by the surrounding nature, within the nature. The routine of modern society force us in hysterical rhythms, that drift us apart from our natural roots, and foster the social awkward among young people. We strongly believe that the best way to promote the spread of European culture is not the reject of the different cultural roots, but the sharing of common values of a simple life. The programme was a combination of practical activities (outdoor and creative) in which young people will keep in direct touch with the world of green work, after they will work in small teams or all together, complemented with workshops and circle meetings in which participants had a leading role and could have the opportunity to reflect on value of sustainability, different job opportunities, respect for the nature and mutual understanding among people from different countries and cultures. Besides, games, sightseeing and intercultural parties contributed to the friendship among the participants.At the end of the exchange, the participants created a video in which it shown the experience of the exchange and a special calendar where to put snapshots of natural life, and articles connected to their green jobs experiences to be distribuited in the different school of each nation to foster the dissemination of the result and the knowing of the program Erasmus+. The project also allowed each group to make a presentation on own country about the culture, customs, traditions, music and food in order to foster the value of each culture.

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