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A different triangle - youth empowerment under a rainbow of hope
Start date: Dec 15, 2009,

This e.p.a. project aims to bring together 60 young people (and reach many more) from 16 communities of ^the old Transatlantic Slave ATriangle: West Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and the North coast of South America.'It will create the conditions to take account of-historical injustice-and to invite a better understanding of other perspectives and of society today. Young people from Accra, Luanda, Port Harcourt, Bissau, Monrovia, Amsterdam, Malaga, Praia, Cartagena, St. Domingo, Donegal, Recife, Kingston, Lisbon, Hamburg and Liverpool will come together to share and experience under the activities forseen: a Youth Exchange in Accra / Ghana and an Evaluation and Valorisation Meeting in Letterkenny / Ireland.The objectives are a process that will be a celebration of Intercultural Dialogue, sharing methods of fighting Racism and Xenophobia and 'exploring ways of how to work for the vision of Equality, freedom and solidarity. "The Different TRIANGLE" youth exchange project will try to synergise the common African heritage with the different realities of today. It will give pragmatic approaches to issues in the regions and create the conditions for future networking and youth policy development within a global solidarity in a different triangle of opportunities and hope where all young people are valued and respected.Its tangible results will be the discovery and unfolding of African history the Ghana, Mali and Songhi empires, the epic of Sundiata. The completion of the Tranatlantic Slave Triangle, the sharing of realities and experiences from three continents, the increasing awareness of the consequences of the slave Trade. An understanding of the place of the Millenium Development Goals in everyday life.Impact on Young People ... Unimaginable!! For young people from Africa, for young people withAfrican roots, for young people who live with the economic security based on the Slave Trade, and at thesame time at the margin of these cities, this experience of an Intercontinental Youth Exchange will be aprofound turning-point in-their lives.The dissemination strategy will be to equip each partner with the Documents, DVD's, Radio Programmes, blogs and other materials to enable them to maximise exposure at a local, regional, national, European and International level.
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  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Coooperation with countries other than the neighbouring countries
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants