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Start date: Oct 31, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project methodology is related to the necessity of developing the cross-border regional environment of the territory of the region of Vidin, the establishment of longterm relations between the neighbour border regions in Bulgaria and Serbia and the mutual acquaintance of the people, living there. It is based on the active participation of the local citizens and business structures for promoting and modernizing the agriculture in the region of Vidin, based on the specific of the territorial structure and the traditional cultural relations of the population. Within the framework of the project, the activities, the selection of methods for their implementation, the special focus of the innovative approaches for the agriculture development, the support of the local authorities and the business structures on regional and national level, are organized in this way that the interests of all participants/including those of the partners from the Serbian side/ to unite in the realization of a sustainable model for citizens support in solving crucial economic problems of the region. The Methodology in defining the target groups takes into consideration the interests and the specifics of the program objectives and project activities of the Regional Agribusiness Centre, Vidin and Agro- project Timok- Zaječar. For the achievement of the project objectives there will be also used two groups of methods for transfer of knowledge and skills: methods of training and methods of consulting. There will be used the following methods of training: • analyses instrument – needs assessment, for meeting the concrete needs of information and tailored made manual and training program for the seminars • interactive, practically oriented lectures; • discussion and case studies; • working on practical problems of the participants; • mastering and elaboration of good agricultural practices; • wide co-operation – invitation of different stakeholders for networking Achievements: The goal of the project was to show the producers why and how they could start working as organic farmers by giving them information about the requirements and examples of good practices in the field. During the four out door seminars in Municipalities Novo selo, Bregovo, Kula and Belogradchik the project team experts presented the current state of affair s concerning organic farming in Serbia. Participants in the project events were also given leaflet s, stickers and T-shirts with slogan "Stay organic" and explain again the advantages of agriculture and how the organic farming protect our nature, animals and plants. A special manual for organic farming was created under the project and it explains how agricultural producers can change their production to organic and why. The final brochure about project results also emphasizes the importance and advantages of organic farming. In the two press-conferences in Zajecar and Vidin the project team experts presented the current state of affairs concerning organic farming in Bulgaria and requirements for agricultural producers and the results of the project. The project partners also created a data base for all agricultural producers in Vidin and Zajecar in order to help farmers from both side of the border to cooperate in their future activities. The new established Euro Agro Club "Good Neighbourhood" each year will collect farmers from both side of the border where they will have opportunities to exchange information and good practices. The project was successfully completed in October 2012.
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  • 85.1%   79 731,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Serbia IPA CBC (BG-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants