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A catastrophe RESponse and reCovery transport and logistics decision sUpport systEm (RESCUE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation Rescue: A catastrophe response and recovery transport and logistics decision support system is based on partners existing experience with natural disasters. Existing plans provide little in terms of actual know-how and tools for the regions that have coordinating responsibilities in crisis situations. The partnership wants to exchange experiences and share practices and analytic tools to help decision makers to better respond to these situations, particularly as regards transportation and logistics systems.The ultimate objective and vision of RESCUE is to develop an integrated Decision Support and Knowledge Management System that combines expert knowledge and technological solutions to help regions cope with disasters and develop the necessary transport and logistics tools to further complement knowledge with analytical support. The operation will result in a systematic transfer of experiences on failures and successes in dealing with disaster situations, in a better understanding of the nature and complexity of disasters, in more effective and faster responses to future disasters and in better managing and sharing resources. Pilots will test a jointly elaborated decision support system, which will be available online for interested regions and actors.
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  • 54.8%   508 133,89
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants