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13 European Projects Found

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Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms (SYMBRION)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

The main focus of this project is to investigate and develop novel principles of adaptation and evolution for symbiotic multi-robot organisms based on bio-inspired approaches and modern computing paradigms. Such robot organisms will consist of super-large-scale swarms of robots, which can dock with each other and symbiotically share energy and computational resources within a single artificial-lif ...
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MicroRNAs and Cancer: From Bench to Bedside (ONCOMIRS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2013,

"Although studies addressing their role in cancer pathogenesis are at an early stage, it is apparent that specific microRNAs (miRs) and molecules involved in their biogenesis contribute to tumorigenesis. The ONCOMIRS consortium proposes a natural succession of four experimental strategies. Fist, we will DISCOVER and unveil novel miRs and components of their biogenesis machinery and investigate lin ...
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Novel tree breeding strategies (NOVELTREE)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012,

"The challenges facing forest geneticists and tree breeders include recognition of changing demands on forests for a wider range of high value forest products and sustainability of forest ecosystems under climate change. NOVELTREE is designed to enable significant genetic improvement of tree characteristics and forest products properties to satisfy the needs (quality, quantity, sustainability, vul ...
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Smart tools for Prediction and Improvement of Crop Yield (SPICY)

Start date: Apr 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

"The aim of this project is to develop a suite of tools for molecular breeding of crop plants for sustainable and competitive agriculture. The tools help the breeder in predicting phenotypic response of genotypes for complex traits under a range of environmental conditions. Pepper will be used as a model crop. The idea is to use a crop growth model as a tool to predict the phenotypic response of a ...
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Enhancing Poplar Traits for Energy Applications (ENERGYPOPLAR)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"Green plants application is being promoted through different European directives, which aim to achieve 5.75% of liquid fuel supply by 2010 and 20% by 2020. Liquid fuels derived from cellulosic biomass offer an important alternative to conventional energy sources to reduce Europe’s dependence on fossil fuels. Trees are attractive dedicated energy crops because they display a wide range of growth h ...
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From many perspectives our concept of the process of metastasis is inadequate and needs to be revised. In particular, the potential impact of recent ideas about the cellular basis of tumor growth (cancer stem cells) and the establishment by remote tumors of special permissive microenvironments in target organs prior to metastasis (metastatic niches) remains to be explored. In the TuMIC project we ...
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"With life expectancy increasing rapidly in our Western world, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a progressive neurodegenerative disorder resulting in dementia, is becoming more common, however no cures or effective treatments are currently available. The neurotoxic amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide appears central to AD pathogenesis, and is generated by β- and γ-cleavage of the larger amyloid precursor protein (APP ...
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"A Europe-wide consortium of experimental biologists, biomathematicians, biostatisticians, computer scientists and clinical scientists will team up to approach cell death pathways in health and disease, placing particular emphasis on cancer and AIDS. The consortium will create a unique database integrating existing and accumulating knowledge on lethal signal transduction pathways leading to apopto ...
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The proposal aims the reintegration of a senior post-doctoral researcher of Spanish nationality, Dr. Marta Rubio-Texeira, now working at the Whitehead Institute (MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA), into the European research area at VIB/KULeuven in Belgium. Dr. Rubio-Texeira has advanced knowledge and extensive technical know-how on molecular mechanisms involved in plasma membrane protein trafficking and in ...
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"MEMOSAD aims at defining the molecular mechanisms of Abeta- and Tau-induced synaptotoxicity and at developing disease-modifying therapeutics for the prevention of memory loss in Alzheimer disease (AD). Insoluble aggregates of the two proteins provide the pathological hallmarks of this incurable brain disorder. Early stage AD is characterized by a remarkably pure impairment of declarative memory a ...
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"The PORTFASTFLU’s objective is to develop and validate a rapid diagnostic test for influenza that will be used as point-of-care systems in developed and developing countries. Experts and international bodies agree that the rapid detection of influenza is vital in combating this major threat to human health. Nucleic acid analysis is the most appropriate assay scheme for both early detection and la ...
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UDP-glycosyltransferases catalyze the addition of sugars to a wide range of small molecules thereby altering their activity, solubility and transport. In Arabidopsis, over 100 glycosyltransferase genes are annotated, however, only a limited number of these have been characterized. Arabidopsis UGT74E2 is an indole-3-butyric acid (IBA)-glycosyltransferase expressed in the root expansion zone and in ...
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"This proposal focus on finding new potential lead compounds to inhibit the trans-sialidase of Trypanosoma cruzi, as a step towards finding a drug against Chagas’ disease. A new high through-put enzyme assay will be used to scan a large library of small molecules and in combination with in silico pharmacophoric modelling this is expected to provide new types of scaffolds as well as identifying imp ...
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