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10 European Projects Found

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Adaptive Management of Barriers in European Rivers (AMBER)

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

Rivers rank among some of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, and are the focus of costly restoration programmes that cost billions to taxpayers. Much of Europe depends on water from rivers for drinking, food production, and the generation of hydropower, which is essential for meeting the EU renewable energy target. Yet only half the EU surface waters have met the WFD’s 2015 target of goo ...
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European Rivers Parliament

Start date: Mar 22, 2015, End date: Sep 21, 2015,

The European Rivers Parliament is the final event of the Big Jump Challenge 2015 ( The Big Jump Challenge is the youth campaign of the Big Jump, a European-wide campaign on water conservation. It empowers youth teams to get creative and take action for their rivers and lakes. The European Rivers Parliament is a policy dialogue between young river ambassadors from across ...
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Future Trends in the Mediterranean Sea (MEDTRENDS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

The MedTrends project aims to illustrate and map the most likely integrated scenarios of marine economic growth at a transnational level in Med-EU countries for the next 20 years. The potential cumulative impacts of human activities at sea was assessed and put into the perspective of the 10% marine protected areas target set for the Mediterranean. ...
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Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas Network - North (MEDPAN NORTH)

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

MedPAN is the network of marine protected areas (MPAs) managers in the Mediterranean. The objective of the MedPAN North project is to improve the management effectiveness of MPAs, including marine Natura 2000 sites, to benefit the marine environment. It will be reached through activities in 5 components: Innovative aspects of MPA management Sustainable management of fisheries in MPAs Sustainable ...
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Protected marine areas on the Mediterranean are tools for regional development and land planning. They face the same problems but to differing degrees: conflicts with local populations, difficulties with setting up management plans, sustainable management of tourism, the need to enhance their roles as tools for regional development, integrated management of coastal areas, anthropogenic pressure on ...
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Background Numerous sensitive sites of ecological significance in Europe are faced with an increasing amount of, often badly-managed, tourist activity. Some of the sites are future Natura 2000 areas. While the sites should be examples of environmental responsibility, because of growing tourism impact, the ecological footprint of these sites is getting big ...
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...e risk of collision is not non-negligible, particularly when they have young. Whale watching has a negative effect if there is too much of it and essential rules are not respected. Since 1999, WWF-France has worked for the conservation of marine mammals in the Mediterranean. The Cap Ligure programme, which ran for 4 years, supported the creation of the PELAGOS Sanctuary in Corsica and the improve ...
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Background Objectives
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CARET2 c’est l’abréviation de Co-ordinated Approach to Restore our Endangered Turtles 2 et c’est surtout l’émanation d'une volonté commune de fédérer autour d'un projet régional les principaux acteurs travaillant sur l'étude, la conservation et la valorisation des tortues marines au niveau du plateau des Guyanes. Et l’enjeu est de taille !
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Lobjectif de ce projet est de mettre en place avec laide de la population de la région de XINGU (Brésil) un élevage de tortues destiné à préserver lespèce menacée de disparition.
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