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18 European Projects Found

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Energy Efficient Optimised District Heating and Cooling (E2District)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

Intelligent Energy Europe expects district heating to double its share of the European heat market by 2020 while district cooling will grow to 25%. While this expansion will translate into 2.6% reduction in the European primary energy need and 9.3% of all carbon emissions, it will not be achieved through modernization and expansion alone but requires fundamental technological innovation to make th ...
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Sustainability Toolkit for easY Life-cycle Evaluation (STYLE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

...roducts that cross sector boundaries through their value chains. Partner organisations (Britest, ArcelorMittal, Carmeuse, Holcim, RDC Environment, IVL, Solvay, Tata Steel, Utrecht University and Veolia) bring together a wealth of knowledge and experience in the use of tools for sustainability assessment. Active stakeholder engagement/support from public and private sector organisations, national ...
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The ability of Europe’s communities to respond to increasing water stress by taking advantage of water reuse opportunities is restricted by low public confidence in solutions, inconsistent approaches to evaluating costs and benefits of reuse schemes, and poor coordination of the professionals and organisations who design, implement and manage them. The DEMOWARE initiative will rectify these shortc ...
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"TOX-TRAIN is a 4-year project and its main objective is the development and implementation of a tool box to assess toxicological impacts related to the life-cycle of technologies. The USEtox model, developed under UNEP-SETAC auspices with contributions of the partners in this consortium, will be taken as a starting point. First, TOX-TRAIN will develop and implement estimation tools for emissions ...
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The water and waste water sector is facing tremendous challenges to assure safe, cost-effective and sustainable water supply and sanitation services. DEMEAU promotes the uptake of knowledge, prototypes and practices from previous EU research enabling the water cycle sector to face emerging pollutants and thus securing water and waste water services and public health. The project exploits four grou ...
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The projects aim is to obtain fine-scale rainfall and flood data at the urban scale: a level of detail at which such information is currently lacking. The availability of fine-scale rainfall and flood data will enable urban water authorities to adequately cope with peak rainfall and will help to prevent the severe pluvial flood damage that in the past decades has been associated with these events. ...
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Background Over the past 20 years, water suppliers have become increasingly interested in endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and their negative environmental and health impacts. EDCs are a very large and diverse collection of chemical substances, which cause developmental disorders, such as sexual development problems, in aquatic organisms. The EU’s ...
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The aim of HyTime is to deliver a bioprocess for decentral H2 production from 2nd generation biomass with a productivity of 1-10 kg H2/d. The novel strategy in HyTime is to employ thermophilic bacteria which have shown superior yields in H2 production from biomass in the previous FP6 IP HYVOLUTION.Biomass in HyTime is grass, straw, molasses or unsold organic goods from supermarkets. The biomass is ...
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Transitions to the Urban Water Services of Tomorrow (TRUST)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

The European project initiative TRUST will produce knowledge and guidance to support TRansitions to Urban Water Services of Tomorrow, enabling communities to achieve sustainable, low-carbon water futures without compromising service quality. We deliver this ambition through close collaboration with problem owners in ten participating pilot city regions under changing and challenging conditions in ...
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Monitoring the quality of drinking water is of paramount importance for public health. “Water is not a commercial product but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such” (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC). The threat of waterborne diseases in Europe will predictably increase in the future as the human population increases and as a result of globalization and migration from ...
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Hybrid Commercial Vehicle (HCV)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

The HCV project aims to develop urban buses and delivery vehicles with advanced second generation of energy efficient hybrid electric powertrains in line with objectives in topic SST 2008.3.1.5. The final result will be the demonstration of a passenger bus and a distribution truck with this advanced technology. In addition early second generation buses and distribution trucks will be demonstrated ...
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"A consortium of world-class scientists from both academia and industry has been assembled to assess the risks to wild animals and humans posed by environmental exposure to pharmaceuticals. Their expertise will be supplemented by an advisory group consisting of representatives of all stakeholders. This project will concentrate on two classes of human pharmaceuticals, namely antibiotics and anti-c ...
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CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research (CO2CARE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

CO2CARE aims to support the large scale demonstration of CCS technology by addressing the research requirements of CO2 storage site abandonment. It will deliver technologies and procedures for abandonment and post-closure safety, satisfying the regulatory requirements for transfer of responsibility. The project will focus on three key areas: well abandonment and long-term integrity; reservoir mana ...
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Europe must use water more efficiently to avoid the anticipated impacts of water shortage driven by a range of dynamics incl. climate change. Nanotechnologies, materials and process innovations (NMP) are key enabling technologies for efficient industrial water management. The chemical industry has a unique role as major water user AND a key solution provider for the development of future water tec ...
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European Bus System of the Future (EBSF)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

"The European Bus System of the Future (EBSF) project is conceived as a driver to increase the attractiveness and raise the image of the bus systems in urban areas, by means of new technologies on vehicles and infrastructure in combination with operational best practices, in a system approach. For the first time in European research, these concepts are fully endorsed by all stakeholders, with all ...
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Vulnerability of drinking water distribution systems to deliberate attacks, which would have major public health, economic and psychosocial consequences, is one of the main issues of concern to regulatory agencies, and water utilities. Such a network appears very vulnerable and easy to contaminate through reservoirs, back-flow… The main objective of this proposal is to limit the impact on the popu ...
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"Sustainable water use in industry is the goal of AquaFit4Use, by a cross-sectorial, integrated approach. The overall objectives are: the development and implementation of new, reliable, cost-effective technologies, tools and methods for sustainable water supply, use and discharge in the main water consuming industries in order to significantly reduce water use, mitigate environmental impact and ...
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This project aims at the preparation and testing of catalyst supported on structured reactors (ceramic and metallic honeycomb monoliths, metallic filters, carbon cloth) coated with nanocarbon materials (NCM), namely carbon nanofibers (CNF) and carbon nanotubes (CNT). This structured catalytic reactor will be used for catalytic water purification. Every partner responsible for testing the monoliths ...
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