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12 European Projects Found

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According to the European Energy Storage Technology Development Roadmap towards 2030 (EASE/EERA) energy storage will be of the greatest importance for the European climate energy objectives. The Sintbat project aims at the development of a cheap energy efficient and effectively maintenance free lithium-ion based energy storage system offering in-service time of 20 to 25 years. Insights gained from ...
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The overall objective of the ALION project is to develop aluminium-ion battery technology for energy storage application indecentralised electricity generation sources. ALION pursues an integral approach comprising electroactive materials based on “rocking chair” mechanism, robust ionic liquid-based electrolytes as well as novel cell and battery concepts, finally resulting in a technology with muc ...
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Advanced Lithium Sulphur battery for xEV (ALISE)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

ALISE is a pan European collaboration focused on the development and commercial scale-up of new materials and on the understanding of the electrochemical processes involved in the lithium sulphur technology. It aims to create impact by developing innovative battery technology capable of fulfilling the expected and characteristics from European Automotive Industry needs, European Materials Roadmap, ...
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"In ZAS the topic NMP-13-2014: "Storage of energy produced by decentralised sources" will be addressed in order to improve the performance of rechargeable zinc-air batteries as a promising option for stationary energy storage. The overall objective of ZAS is to enable the use of distributed and intermittent renewable energy sources by further developing this type of battery technology. The new bat ...
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The BASMATI project will address the development of active nanomaterial and electrochemical inks for printing technologies such as screen and inkjet printing. The ink formulations will be tested on a case study through printing of a thin film battery. The general objective of the project is to scale-up the ink formulations to pilot line ensuring large volume fabrication of new products with improv ...
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The objective of the project is to develop methodologies for determining in detail the role of interface boundaries and interface layers on transport properties and reactivity in lithium batteries, and to use the knowledge gained to improve performance.The methods used will be advanced multi-technique in situ characterization combined with computational methods. The findings will be used e.g. in d ...
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MATerials for FLEXible ENergy harvesting Devices (Matflexend)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

MATFLEXEND investigates new materials which enable capacitive-mechanical energy harvesters with significantly improved power density and efficiency. Such materials will be durable, solution-processible, flexible, and therefore enable mass-production techniques including printing.The “REWOD” principle (Reverse-Electrowetting-On-Dielectric) will be developed for small-scale energy scavenging, and a ...
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FLEXIBILTIY aims at significantly advancing the competitiveness of Europe in the area of multifunctional, ultra-lightweight, ultra-thin and bendable OLAE systems. The developed OLAE components include disposable and rechargeable batteries, solar cells, DC charging electronics, loudspeakers, audio amplifiers, analogue signal generators, motion and temperature sensors, RF receiver circuits, as well ...
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A new generation of sustainable paper products with specific autonomous functionalities aiming at interacting with their users and/or reporting changes in their environment is developed. The project focuses on the development of new functional materials (paper, fibres, inks), new functional components (battery, sensors, display, memory) and innovative, flexible and cost-effective manufacturing pro ...
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GRaphenE for NAnoscaleD Applications (GRENADA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The semiconductor industry has been able to improve the performance of electronic system by making ever-smaller devices. However, this approach will soon encounter both scientific and technical limits, which is why the industry is exploring alternative device technologies. Carbon-based nano-electronic is currently investigated. Discovered recently, the graphene is rapidly raising star on the horiz ...
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In this project printed thin film batteries (TFBs) are developed, manufactured and integrated as flexible and cost efficient energy storage devices. This kind of energy storage concept has huge potential to be integrated into different low cost large area electronics applications such as smart cards, E-books, tags, large area sensor networks... In order to reduce manufacturing costs of this applic ...
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Superior Energy and Power Density Li-Ion Microbatteries (SUPERLION)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2011,

"On-board microbattery power is fast becoming essential in many of today’s emerging technologies. Down-scaling in the micro-electronic industry has far outpaced advances in small-scale electrical power supplies. The absence of on-board power is a hinder to advances in many critical areas: micro-electronic devices and biomedical micro-machines. However, nano-materials and -structures provide new re ...
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